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很遗憾的通知各位,我的pixiv账号在今天被永久封禁了,原因是小马拉大车的那些作品。我已经提交了申诉,不过大概率起不到什么作用。好在fanbox没受到什么影响,目前未完成的作品我会继续做完,之后的话,我可能会考虑再注册一个pixiv账号,也可能就此收手,这次的打击对我来说有点大,我需要时间好好思考一下。 I regret to inform everyone that my Pixiv account has been permanently suspended today. The reason behind this unfortunate action is the presence of artworks involving mother and son themes. Although I have already submitted an appeal, it is unlikely to have much effect. Fortunately, my Fanbox account remains unaffected, and I will continue working on the unfinished pieces. As for the future, I may consider registering a new Pixiv account or perhaps decide to quit altogether. This setback has been quite impactful for me, and I need some time for reflection.


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