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休止中も沢山の温かい励ましのお言葉や各種プランのご支援本当にありがとうございました。 ぼちぼちこっちも再稼働させていこうと思います。 まだフルカラー絵を1から描くスタミナが無いので漫画というかネームっぽいものを描きました。 陽菜さんが目覚めた日のお話。




1. 10 years ago Huh? You want me to put them between my boobs? Yeah, please. Your cock? Yeah. What's that? ...... Let's just have sex like normal. Please don't say that. It's every man's dream‼ Huh? I don't get it. You can't do this with halfway large breasts. But with hina's boobs, I thought I could afford it. Hmmm...... okay, I'll do it for you❤ ( so easy...) 2. Wow ...... that's really big ...... You see it all the time. How big is your bust now? Oh, I went over a meter the other day. Oh, finally...... I guess you're out of I-cup bras now.


3. Okay, um, can you sit up straight and put my hips on your ...... thighs? I'm not really good at sitting on my haunches. ...... haha❤ Oh, what? Well, I was just wondering what a pathetic position you're in❤ ...... 4. So? Wrap it up? Like this? (hot ......) Yes, yes, wow, wow, oh my gosh, oh no! Hmmm, like this? Oh, wow, wow, what the hell, wow ❤ Hey, hey, your cock is escaping, be cool. 5. What do you do from here at ......? (Like this? No, like this. It's easier to catch them this way.) Uh, uh, ...... drool over it. Huh? Are you a pervert? No, I use it for lube... Oh, lube, that's what you call it. That's how it works❤ Woo-hoo-hoo! Oh, that feels so good!


6. I see what you mean, you wanted me to torture you with my boobs like this ❤ O-Oh, yeah, wow. Well, then, I guess this is the way to do it? Oh, this is too much! it's working,working❤ Oh, God, I'm coming! 7. I'm cumming, cumming, cumming! What, ......? 8. Lie ...... have you ejaculated yet? Because it's faster than when we had sex...... ...... you mean my boobs felt that good? I didn't know boys ejaculate so easily ....... 9. (This ...... is super fun❤) Look at it, look at it, it came out great! Hey, let's do it again, shall we? The paizuri monster is born.


眠れる才能が目覚めた瞬間…!!ここから竿役としての自分の一生を始めたい… 陽菜ちゃん可愛すぎるでしょ!


誰にでも「最初」はありますよ。 彼女の持って生まれたお胸&情熱、 彼氏サンのご協力あって、 今、それが花開いたんです!✿ 彼女の今後益々の邁進に、 期待がかかりますね!💓