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I opened a poll a while back to gather feedback from fans on what direction I should take the Box. It’s way past time I delve into the results… of which there are a lot!

Individual Questions

1. Amount of Clutter

Right out the gate, the results here surprised me! For some reason, I’d assumed the prevailing vote would be for a Giger-esque mess of tubes and mechanisms.

When I think about it, it makes sense; the sparse-ness of the Box is obviously part of its appeal. I’m planning to add some mechanical complexity to the interior walls, but keep the inner space mostly open.

2. Internal tickling system

Votes leaned heavily in favor of adding ticklers of some sort.

I went through a LOT of concepts—spinning rollers, brushes, mechanical hands, tentacles, body-shaped sliding panels, and combinations of the above. After all that, rollers seem like the way to go. There were a lot of reasons it’s the best option:

They’re easy to hide away. They’re easy to animate. They don’t have long bristles that need to deform. They’re workable in SFM. And most importantly, they don’t need pinpoint accuracy. More on that below.

3. External tickling system

I was kind of dreading the results for this, but the people have spoken, and hot damn do they love tickling and sensory overload.

In the interest of consistency, I’m making the internal and external tickling devices similar. I just need to figure out a visually attractive solution for storing the rollers when they’re not in use.

4. Nipple stimulation

Nearly unanimous vote here for adding nipple stimulation.

This is actually a pretty tricky proposition! With the occupant mostly unrestrained inside the Box, any idea that requires pinpoint accuracy won’t work. Now, I could have the internal camera use ‘software’ to scan the occupant and identify ‘targets’, but that’s not the direction I want to go.

So what do I do? That’s right, baby… more rollers.

They cover enough physical space to make dodging them difficult, and holding the body away from them would be tiring.

5. Soundproofing

Results were fairly split between yes, no, and meh. I will be attempting this, and if it doesn’t look good, scrapping it. I think it’s believable enough that the Box case material is soundproofed itself.

6. Redesigning the “stim sphere”

Most don’t care, which I think is a small blessing. I don’t really want to redesign this, as it’s mostly hidden from view (and I think the current iteration is more than adequate).

7. Redesigning the interface

A surprisingly split vote.

I’m siding with the “yes” voters here though! Since I’m adding a lot of new features, I’d like to reorganize the interface to lay things out more logically. I can also emphasize certain things and fix issues that made the original interface needlessly hard to work with. Win/win/win.

8. Bigger screen

Very strong “yes” vote for this one!

When I get right down to it, though, there’s not a lot of room for additional screen size, so the “enhancement” will be kind of minimal. I hope a small bump in size will look like the kind of revision we’re used to seeing across hardware generations.

I really want to do something with the two versions side by side.

9. Camera button

Vote says “Yes!” without hesitation. This is something I’ve wanted to add for a long time, so I’m glad to see others are on board.

The screen on the front is the perfect place for a view of the inside. A new question arises: Will the display show infrared, given there’s so little light inside the Box? Decisions, decisions…

10. Livestream button

Another “Yes!”, and almost as strong as the camera button. I love the story possibilities this opens up!

11. OneCum™ button

Introducing a new, branded technology to the Box seems like a suitably “version 2” thing to do. The idea would be that the occupant’s orgasm is regulated in such a way that it feels like they never stop cumming. Yikes!

Box fans are on board, and so am I.

12. Removing the “VR” button

Votes are completely split, so I’m going to be leaving it in. This decision is informed completely by the poll, as I would have definitely removed it otherwise. I’ll be moving it to a different area on the interface, since it doesn’t really make sense as an on/off toggle.

The VR training concept has been under-utilized since Box v1. It’s pretty central in the Simon’s Pride story though, and I do like how it reinforces the “training” angle of the Box’ design.

13. Removing the “Lube” metric

I asked fans if I could “Have the box recycle fluids, use futuristic materials that don't need lubrication, or just have an internal supply that lasts a very long time” and they gracefully allowed my wish. Thank you, subs!

14. Awake button

Votes are pretty strongly in favor of having “Keep Awake” be a setting which can be toggled. I like this, as it allows for merciful (or merciless) Box administration.

Highlights from the Additional Comments field

The poll (…questionnaire?) had fields at the bottom for additional feedback. Here are some trends I found.

1. Toe ties

A lot of fans want this. I’ll be putting some thought into exactly how I can accomplish this. No promises, as this may veer into “total redesign” territory for the case.

2. Shock/e-stim

Equally popular in the comments. I’ve honestly never been a fan, but I get it.

I’ll be breaking the “Punish” option down into separate… cruelties, for Box v2. This will allow me to define Box functions more clearly and possibly add shock therapy somewhere on the interface.

3. Mouth gag

A few fans had requests around this feature. Prospects are hazy, though. With the occupant free to turn their head, it’ll be hard to make a gag component that’s automated and enforced.

I could add a gag inside the Box that the occupant (or their handler) manually applies, but I’m hesitant to add loose props or “shelves” within the Box. I feel like the general concept is to have the systems Always Work™ in a completely automated fashion, and I’m hesitant to add real agency for the occupant.

Furthermore, the paralyze and (NEW) Silence settings are effectively different forms of gagging, at least in the fact that you can’t make noise.

4. Swappable "parts"

This is a cute idea. A couple fans wrote that they’d like different dildos and anal components that could be used.

My hesitancy here is that I’ve explicitly written that the components are *boring, efficient, medical, and functional* in design. I’ll reserve the idea for a future design.

5. Misconceptions

A few fans wrote with ideas that the Box, canonically, already does! Breathplay, edging, punishment, etc. I think the message here is that I need to make these functions more obvious and make more content involving them.

6. Pain

I won’t be adding needles or anything traditionally painful. Drugs and nutrients are administered by the Box rectally (!!)

And finally, the MVP comment: “Have someone holding the girl's exposed hand for comfort”. I love this.

In Summary

The big takeaway is that I have a lot of work ahead of me. Some of the features I'm adding can't be "work smarter not harder-ed" around.

The poll was good for getting things started, but I quickly ran into more forks in the road, which is why I’ll be dropping another poll for $5 subbers in a few days.

Thank you so much, everybody!




Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for posting this.


You're welcome! Or rather, thank you for reminding me. "There is an art to the building up of suspense."


Thanks for the post, I too was thrilled with the MVP comment. It is going to be a great scene!