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Hey everyone! I'm gonna keep this nice and brief, and sprinkle some updates in as well. Here's what happened in May:

• Finished and released Bad Vibes

• Poster series for Traffic

• "Realistic" dildo model tuning and texture

• Alice Williams texture work

• Posed and began animating TYDtWD Episode 4

• TYDtWD Episode 4 posters

These lists are usually longer, but it's probably better this way. I took a couple days off after Bad Vibes, but besides that it's been pretty busy. Thanks for your support last month!

TYDtWD Episode 4

This animation keeps becoming more complex every day. I want to avoid rushing this release, so I'm focusing a lot on creating interesting facial animations and full-body movement. I've barely even worked on the actual "sex" part yet.

Previous timetable projections were vastly underestimated, so I've gotta say I'm sorry for that.

Anyway, I've retextured the dildo so it looks like a dildo (it was very penis-y before), and added a solid "story" to this one. It's something that's been missing from TYDtWD as a whole. The characters are doing a lot in this one, it's pretty cool.

Speaking of Sarah

Belly of the Beast is my biggest priority for June. I need to make progress on this animation. Expect regular updates for this once TYDtWD Ep 4 is out.


You can expect a second poster series for this story in the coming months, then an animation to follow.

Survey Results

A lot of people have asked for published results, so who am I to say no? I've gotten responses from almost half the subscriber base, and last night I put the numbers into some charts and graphs. Expect a post tomorrow with some comments and analysis.


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