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Hi, y'all!

Here's a sketch for our next month shared set!

The idea is something about that chaos theory quote that i'm gonna missquote here "A butterfly flapping its wings can create an alternate reality" (I'm not smart enough to explain this lol) in this case a reality where anthropomorphic animals/furries own human pets :P The butterfly shown here is just symbolic^^

More info here if you need em: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect

Hope you can work with this somehow and coming up with better caption than my pea brain can lol. (Don't have to be related to the idea ofc) As always if you have an idea for a caption to go with this pic then please put it down below. I'll put them in the finished pic with credit to you!

Thank you for being awesome! YOU ROCK!




Socks jumped at Spot's cage batting at it, leaving the poor dog whining. "Silly Socks, always teasing poor Spot." Ms. Whiskers said. "He always seems to enjoy it though." Mr. Rex said taking a sip of his drink.