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Hi, y'all!

Here's a new fantasy set! A party going on a quest!

Pepper helped with this one again with the descriptions for the item! Thank you!

Special thanks to oue new benefactor and above tiered supporters: USER#F098B196 | lr3001, Francie, Thanh N | HLG_Aneas, erockzz, Rukja, Zizhuo, Christoph F, Butterboy75, UmbraTheJaguar

And Thank you all as always for making this possible!

Hope you are well and please take care!


Here's the extra page! ;P (And the stills of the GIF)

And here's the txt:

Infiltration Quest

Alderick: Human Paladin

Lasha: Orc Barbarian

Thrak: Dwarf Blacksmith

The only way we can get into the dark market of the slaver guild is to pretend to be outcasts like its patrons. For me, that's pretty easy, but not for you, Alderick. The low lives and monsters in there would smell your holy ass immediately. This is Thrak, my contact inside the market. He will help you get in using his contraption.

I see. Very well, let's see what you have, Thrak!

Aye! I got just the thing!


Alderick's gears

Pendent of Secrets: While worn the pendant vibrates subtly near obscured pathways. The wearer has an advantage on Perception checks when looking for secret passages.

Gavaton: A fail that harnesses gravity making it much lighter to wield but still impacts with tremendous force. This weapon counts as a heavy weapon and on a hit, deals an additional 1d8 of force damage.

Lasha's gear

A stone club: Very hard

Thrak's gear

A smithing hammer: Best for crafting


Here it is, my Slave Carrier 3000! This baby comes equipped with magical sizing guaranteed to fit snuggly on any body type of slave you have. It's the most popular model among the slavers in the market! This one comes with a chastity cage add-on for males to hide the intimate bit, of course. (It's more fashionable that way!)

What the heck is this?? Am I getting locked up in this ridiculous thing!? (NOOO!)

It's the best way to get you in, Alderick! Your clean, holy magic that could trigger the bad guys would be no problem if you're a captive. I will carry you the whole time until we get to the target, so there's nothing to worry about. You just have to pretend to be a captured paladin for a short while.

Urgh... We are running out of time... Fine! I will do it, but do I really have to be locked in? Can't you just leave it unlocked so I can get out if things go bad?

No can do, The guards will check the locks of all slaves being brought into the market.

...I can't believe I'm doing this.

Alright! Thrak also came up with a way to get your weapons in with you! Take your clothes off and let me grab some lube.




That should do it! Dang, you sure are light, Alderick! You would make a great pet slave for real! Hehe!

Mmnf ffnf! (That's not funny!)

Now just put this last piece in. Looks like the gag reflex-suppressing drug (Normally for slaves) is working well. I think my modifications might alter some of your weapon's attributes but we still should be fine.

Mmff! Hmmf! (Nothing is fine about this!)

Alright, here we go! I have to say Thrak, you really did a good job. Look at him twitching and leaking precum just like a real submissive masochist slave. What drug did you give him to cause that?

I didn't give him anything for that.

(This is so humiliating! I'm all twisted and stuffed on both ends. Why am I feeling so weird and warm inside?? I hope we can finish this mission soon!)


(But... maybe not too soon...)


Sounding Secrets: While inserted the rod vibrates when the truth is obscured. The equipped person has an advantage on all Charisma Checks, allowing them to discern the truth in all verbal interactions. The wearer must make a Con Save when Sounding Secrets activates to keep their mind focused.

Gravaton Recharge: This weapon requires attunement, magically binding it to the wielder.

The metal balls of the fail become much heavier and the wielder will lose the additional damage if not recharged.

To recharge Gravation, both ends must be inserted so that the weapon can recenter itself on the attune’s center of gravity. Roll a 1d6, result equals how many days till Gravaton needs to recharge once more.



Argh! Dang it! I only put Alderick down for a few seconds while talking to the guards! Those dang goblins! They stole him while I wasn't looking! We gotta find him fast!

I-it's not that bad, Lasha! There's no way stupid goblins could pick the lock. (They probably still can take the weapon from him though!)

Hie! Hehehee! Good meat hole! Slutty meat hole!

Hyahaha! We got a twitchy little man-whore with toys in its whore holes!!

