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Hi, y'all!

Here's a new smaller set this week!

Just a fun exploration into a part of Compet daily life ;)

Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters: USER#8EA2383B, USER#26DA2917, DarkCrowl | thelastvicar, SunsetFlash, 区庄, Gilad A, エンジェル, asdfmnbviuyt, Geanon, Llvcvkpyrxbi, unn_amed, thatoneguy, momohiki629, Clavem personae | 区大鸡

And thank you so much as always to all your amazing support!

You carry us and made this possible!


Here're the extra pages! (Some random watersports play^^" Sorry. I just felt like it :P)

And here's the txt:

Bus ride with pet

Timothy Travis (19)

"Cherry" (21)

[Compulsory Petgirl registration]

Name: Georgina Howse

Age: 20

Occupation: Engineering student

[Compulsorily Pettified]

This is my petgirl "Cherry". I got her from my uncle as a gift on my 19th birthday. She's been through a year of petgirl obedience school, vaccinated, and chipped, has her breast enlarged to a comical size, and has custom piercings on her lovely body. All according to my uncle's taste. Can't say we share the same preferences, but I've come to appreciate all of her. Even with all the downsides of owning a petgirl in day-to-day activities.

Hello, sir! I see we are traveling with a lovely little pet today!

Haha! Thanks!

It's gonna be a bit crowded and the seats are full. Since you don't have a carrier, will you be able to do a "standing carry" for her?

Ah, yes. I'll manage.

It's not a long ride, but if you get tired, I'm sure other passengers will be glad to help carry this cutie!

Arf! Arf!

(It's the bus! Cherry loves a bus ride with master!)


According to public transportation regulations, A human-pet on a crowded public transport must be carried using a special "standing carry" maneuver. A person carrying the pet must do an intimate insertion for a secure hold and to calm the pet while the vehicle is on the move.

It's quite physically demanding, but Cherry enjoys this part of the day very much, and I can't say I really mind.

Dang... She's humping you hard, bro!

Haha, yeah... She loves her bus ride.

Arf! Yip!

(Ah! Cherry loves humping master in front of all these people watching! Cherry's a perverted naughty puppy!)

Let me know if you need a hand, dude! I'll switch in!




Have a good day, you two!

Great show, man! Sweet pupgirl you got there!


Woof! Arf!

(See you again tomorrow, fellow perverts!)

According to the Compulsory Pettification's regulations, all human-pets under the service period have to be on strict birth control. This means our "commute routine" won't result in a pregnancy. Of course, I'm quite tired when we get to the campus, but how can I leave Cherry at my dorm and deny her her fun?


Extra Activity: Urinal Pup

Apparently, a new trend in many new litters of recently trained petgirls is watersports urophagia kink training (Of course, my uncle went for it with Cherry). This was advertised to the new owners as "your convenient urinal anywhere anytime." Cherry seems to really enjoy this twisted hydration and even begs for it when she notices I haven't gone to the toilet in a while. I wonder if she was already this kinky before or was she "trained" to be like this?

Ah... Here's your drink, Cherry.


(Thank you for your lovely, delicious boner juice, master!)

