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Hi y'all!

Here's our new set on dad and cats. Sorry if the gen-z speeches are off. I'm too freakin' old for it ^^"

Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters: sandy100, Veniat, USER#66D3BC4C, rogue0314, USER#B6A195D1, USER#2CC5C39D | VACBED | yc z., nataliemoonfox, 명헌 최, Ave-Nox

And as always, Thank you so much to all of your supports that makes this possible! YOU ROCK!!

Here's the texts:

Bruce Woolf (48)

Jenny Woolf (22)

Edward Traylor (23)

Daddy! This is my boyfriend, Edward!

Yo, pops! Woah! And what a coincidence, Jenny called me daddy too! Hahaha!

(He's fucking huge! Scary-looking loaded old fart!)

He likes to joke around! Edward even has some idea of what we can do with your savings, Daddy!

Aight, bet, pops! I can let you invest in ya boi's online crypto commerce influencing business and imma make you a rich boomer! Guaranteed!

(This fucking fuckstick twink is dating my daughter??)

Oh! Drop the mean face, Daddy! Think of him just like with your cat! Remember? At first, you adamantly said "No cat" and now you love her! You will grow to love Edward too!


A few days later

Hi, Daddy! Did you see Edward? He said he was meeting you about the business.

Hey, kiddo! Did he? No, I didn't see him at all.

Oh, I just saw that he sent me a text. "Something came up. Has to go out of town for a few days, babe" That's weird! I'll call you back, Daddy!

OK, kiddo. He probably has some online business stuff to attend to. Don't worry too much, honey.

Yeah... OK, daddy. Bye!


Well, I guess she could be right about treating you just like a cat. You sure make a pretty convincing pussy!

(ARRGH!!! The old fuck keeps messing with my ass and... it's started to feel... good? FUCK!)


A few more days later

Can you believe this, Daddy?? He said he found someone new on his overseas trip! Now he's breaking up with me and moving away! What a fucking bastard!

Sorry about that, kiddo. Just forget about him! That guy sucks anyway!

Slurp! Slurp!

(Meow! Please give kitty some of your delicious dick milk, Daddy!)




Another great art, pls make one with a girl that time