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With her face down in the dirt and her pert, upturned, little butt frantically wagging in the warm, summer air, Button whined pitifully for what must have been the hundredth time that day. The vibrators concealed within the heart-shaped pads covering her little pink nipples, the bulbous tail plug shoved up her tight back entrance, and the c-string covering her needy, overheated “puppy parts” were working overtime. They had activated at random intervals and for uneven amounts of time for hours and hours and teased her and teased her until she was on the very brink of orgasm, but they never pushed her over the edge. Even though she had been denied again and again, each time the diabolical devices switched on she couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, the thoughtless mechanisms would grant her relief, but once again they stopped and she found herself crying bitterly from yet another ruined orgasm. With her juices running down the inside of her pale thighs, she cursed Master and longed for him to come back and take care of her.

Master hadn’t told her that he was going on a police stakeout, or that he was putting her in a kennel while he was gone, until they were already in the car. Secured in her little, plastic carrier, Button was distraught. They hadn’t even been married for a full two months and he was already leaving her at a kennel with complete strangers! Even though she’d had obedience training during what was supposed to be their honeymoon, and thus she knew that Master could do as he pleased and that he was always right, she couldn’t help but be mad at him even as he kindly assured her from the driver’s seat that she was going to love the kennel and make lots of new puppy friends.

That resentment quickly turned to fear when Master gave the handle of her pink, pleather leash to the pretty receptionist so he could finish filling out registration paperwork. Between her wedding, the honeymoon, and the few weeks she’d spent at home trying to get accustomed to her new puppy girl life, Button had been on an emotional rollercoaster, but through it all she’d had Master either literally or figuratively holding her leash, controlling her, directing her, and protecting her. With the sudden loss of that security, Button erupted into tears.

She was lucky that the petsitter system, which governed her behavior, didn’t consider crying and sobbing to be “unapproved human sounds' ' otherwise the benign looking pink shock collar around her slender neck would have gone off to correct her. Despite their training, many puppy girls spent a lot of time crying and sobbing for one reason or another, which was probably the point, so it would hardly make sense to punish them for it. Bawling, Button wrapped her “front legs' ' around Master’s ankle and clung to him with her clumsy, padded paws. She didn’t care that she was making a scene. She could barely hear the receptionist and Master talking above her.

“Oh, dear…” said the receptionist. “She’s a little clingy isn’t she?

“You’ll have to excuse her.” Master explained. Though Button’s face was pressed against his shoe and she couldn’t see his face, she could hear the awkward smile in his voice that he always got whenever he had to explain something about her bad behavior to others. “She’s a very new puppy and this is her first time away from home.”

Button tensed when the receptionist gently patted her side. “Aw, the poor little thing!” Her thin, delicate fingers stroked Button along her ribs making the small puppy girl squirm a bit. “You’re very lucky, sir, to have such a devoted pet! You wouldn’t believe how many ungrateful mutts I see brought in here. Why just the other day…”

“Oh, I know it, but…” Master shook his leg. “Come on, Button, that’s enough. Let go!”

The slight edge to Master’s words almost made her cling and cry harder, but fortunately, her obedience training took over and she reluctantly released his ankle. With tear streaked cheeks and still sniffling, Button sat back and looked up at Master. A thousand pleading words bubbled up in her throat, but the memory of past shocks from the collar held them back like a concrete dam.

Please, Master! Don’t leave me here! Take me on your stake out! I promise I won’t get in the way!

Master gently patted the top of her head and she melted against his touch as her sobs subsided.

“That’s my brave girl!” Master praised. “Now be a good puppy for me while I’m gone, and I’ll be back to get you before you know it!”

With Master’s approval fortifying her, Button sobbed one last time and barked in affirmation with the shred of enthusiasm she could muster before the receptionist led her through the door to the kennels. Button had seen more than a few puppy girl kennels in her time, once as a technical guest, but mostly as an inspector for the Human Pet Protection Service (HPPS). That was before she’d lost her mind and decided it would somehow be better to subject herself to becoming a human pet full time. From what she could initially perceive, the kennel would have gotten a very good inspection rating from her. Though there was the unavoidable undercurrent of puppy girl odors, it was mostly masked by the smell of bleach.

Well, at least it’s clean in here… Master will be back before I know it. Master will be back before I know it.

More importantly, at least to the HPPS checklist, the facility was very secure to prevent the kennel’s guests from “wandering off” and “getting lost.” Even though she had no intention of trying to leave on her own, as a guest rather than an inspector, Button found the presence of so many simple doors and gates she couldn’t begin to open with her stupid, padded paws kind of oppressive.

The receptionist led Button to a door with the words “Kennel One” written across it. She could hear the familiar sounds of puppy girls barking on the other side and an unusual amount of whining too. The small puppy girl prepared herself. Though she’d interacted with other puppy girls a bit during obedience training, she still wasn’t particularly happy about having to do so. She loved Master and she loved being taken care of by him, but all the “socializing” she was expected to do was more than draining for her, just as it had been whenever she’d had to interact with people in her old life. She comforted herself with the fact that at least puppy girls didn’t have to make awkward small talk.

They—we just sniff each other’s backsides, gross…

Button straightened up when she heard the petsitter system click on. It only seemed to say anything when she was getting punished for trying to talk or putting her legs together, so she was justifiably tense.

“Connecting to the Wags Hotel system…”

Button had been so distracted when Master brought her in that she hadn’t even paid attention to the name of the place.

Wags Hotel? Seriously? What kind of asshole names these places?


Button’s eyes popped open and her whole body went rigid as the vibrators inside her nipple pads, tail plug, and c-string all went off at once. Master rarely used the system’s “in heat” function, preferring her to be clear headed to endure all the humiliations and discomforts of her new life. So, the sudden sensation was quite a surprise.

Trembling from the pleasure surging through her little body, Button looked up at the receptionist who was more-focused on her phone than on the pitiful animal at her feet.

“Looks like the ‘Eager Beaver’ system is working!” She remarked more to herself than to Button.

“Eager Beaver” what the Hell is…Oh, oh, God!

The vibrations inside of her intensified, making Button shake uncontrollably. She felt herself climbing up and up and up the mountain until she feared that she could no longer stand it.

“Looks like puppy likes it!” The receptionist grinned. “But don’t get too greedy because…”

Suddenly, the vibrations stopped. Button looked up at the receptionist as if to say, “How could you?”

The receptionist smiled and shook her head. “I didn’t do it, puppy! It’s the Eager Beaver system.”

Panting and sweating as she wriggled her backside, Button hoped she’d get an explanation.

“It’s something we do here to keep you little pups busy and to make sure that you—your beaver is really eager when your owner comes to pick you up.”

Oh, God, does that mean…

“Don’t worry, puppy. You’ll have the chance to make your dirty, pathetic little cummies in your crate at bedtime. That is…if you do a good job.”

Do a good job? What does that mean? God, I’ll do whatever!

“You’ll see at bedtime, pup. Now let’s go meet your kennel mates!”

Button whimpered weakly. Now she knew what all the whining she heard on the other side of the door was about. What’s more, she knew that she’d soon be adding her own “voice” to the contemptible chorus of yowling.

The dog run of kennel number one was surrounded by a chain link fence, which while she was on all fours might as well have been the walls of Troy. The gates with their simple latches that she’d noticed earlier might as well have been doors in a maximum security prison with her hands trapped helplessly in paws. “Trapped” was certainly the word for it. Inside the foreboding enclosure the ground was dirt, no doubt any grass was worn away from the traffic of countless puppy girl paws and the many “piddles” they made. In the middle there was a brightly colored plastic doggy gym made up of ramps, steps, hoops, balance beam, and even a slide. And scattered all around it was a variety of dog toys. There was everything from rubber balls to knotted ropes, but none of the other residents were playing with them. Instead, they had all taken interest in the new arrival.

Button had been in this situation before. Once she’d gone into a kennel for undercover work with the HPPS and with a well placed nip she’d managed to dissuade the other inmates from messing with her from the start. However, that was before she’d had obedience training and before she had to think about how her behavior reflected on Master.

Ringed by about ten panting, frustrated looking puppy girls, all of whom were much bigger and more-shapely than her, Button’s first impulse was still to growl at them in hopes that she could repeat her successful bluff. But then she thought about Master’s lessons.

I have to be ‘friendly’ to other puppies. Be friendly! Be friendly!

Button slowly put her face down to the ground and raised her butt to the air. Barking happily, the circle descended on her, but about half of them stopped in their tracks suddenly. Normally, the vibrators hidden in the various parts of the pet gear, while intense, were fairly quiet, but with four or five going off together, the buzzing sound made it seem like they were near a beehive. Those that stopped jerked and thrashed around in a vain attempt at getting satisfaction. Some took a proper mating position with their “heads down and asses up” and wagged their tails, while others rolled onto their backs and writhed in the dirt.

Well, it lives up to its name. They’re definitely ‘eager’…

Those that weren’t affected made a tighter circle around Button. Feeling a little scared, though what she was scared of she wasn’t sure exactly, she closed her eyes. Still sensitive from the quick vibrations she’d received, Button moaned a little when she felt the hot breath from her kennel mates against her most sensitive skin. She did not like getting these kinds of feelings from other girls.

It’s just little animals being animals. It’s just little animals being animals.

Yet, as the anxious, flicking tongues of the other puppy girls lapped at that same skin, she found herself wishing the stupid c-string wasn’t covering her so that they could give her a proper lick. Button scrunched up her eyes tighter and gritted her teeth. It felt so damned good. What’s more, after learning a bit more about puppy girl etiquette and “culture” their licking did make her feel strangely welcome.

Two more greeting puppy girls fell back as they succumbed to the random vibrations, and Button tensed, wondering and even hoping for her own vibrators to activate again. The licking stopped and it was her turn to “say hello.” Timidly, Button raised herself back up on her forepaws and found herself facing three wagging backsides.

Oh, gross, the smell…

She was assailed with the scent of each puppy girl’s sweat and arousal. During obedience training, Button had broken down crying more than once when she’d been required to return a greeting. The only way she could get through it was to remind herself that she was an animal, a polite animal with manners, but an animal nonetheless.

I am a dirty dog. I am a dirty dog. Dirty dogs love smelly, gross, disgusting things. Yes they do! Yes, they do!

Button timidly inched forward. She tried to focus on the first one, because the idea of having to greet three puppy girls in a row made her want to vomit. The smell and the heat grew more intense as she came closer. She could see that the poor puppy girl had been relentlessly teased. There were dried streaks of her excitement all down the inside of her thighs and there were fresh rivulets still running down them. Button kept repeating her little mantra and reminded herself what Master would think if she didn’t show good manners, but she gagged and pulled back. It was too much for her.

The system had clicked off for some of the previously disabled puppy girls and they had come over to join in the welcome. Button found herself being sniffed and licked again, even as she tried to work up the will to finish the greeting. One of the three puppy girls in front of her collapsed to the ground under the onslaught of the vibrators, but two more took her place and suddenly Button had four wagging tails in her face.

She felt her own vibrators click on and she let out a long, mournful whine. Button struggled not to collapse in the dirt, her front and back legs shaking with exertion. Her frantic, little mind was clouded with the warm, pink haze of arousal. Without truly realizing what she was doing she pressed her face forward into the crotch of the first girl and sniffed and licked wildly. Her “snout” pressed against the c-string, her small pink tongue lapped and lapped making the other puppy girl wiggle and gasp. She moved onto the next as the vibrations in all of her delicate, sensitive areas became more intense, and then the next and the next. Her tongue and jaw ached and she was overwhelmed with the stimulation and some many tastes and smells.

Suddenly, the vibrations stopped and Button dropped to the ground in a sweaty heap. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. She panted, trying to catch her breath and to get the pungent stench of her kennel mates out of her nostrils. She was absolutely disgusted with herself for what she’d just done, but proud of herself too, because she knew that Master would be proud of her for being so polite.

Her eyes darted to the door when she heard a click. The receptionist was standing there with her phone pointed down at her. There was another click.

“Your owner is going to be so happy to see that you’re getting along so well with the others!”

Button shakily got back up onto all fours. Dirt clung to her sweaty sides making her feel even more disgusting than she already did. Still, she loved the idea that Master would know that she was being good even without him there to mind her.

Master will be back before I know it. Master will be back before I know it.

It was hard to get involved in anything or make friends throughout the day with the constant anticipation of the Eager Beaver system torturing them. Button tried to occupy herself with chew toys and the doggy jungle gym, but as the day went on she found herself unable to think of anything else but the achy, leaking place between her “hind legs.” Her kennel mates were obviously in the same frustrated state. Each one of them, including her, had more than once attempted taking matters into their own hands—paws. They tried rubbing themselves, humping toys, pressing up against various parts of the jungle gym, and even dragging themselves across the ground. Some even resorted to mounting each other in a vain attempt to get relief. Of course, there was always one handler in the enclosure with them, and the moment any of them tried, they got a shock from the cattle prod he carried.

Organized playtime wasn’t much of a distraction. In the afternoon, a handler arranged the guests in a circle and ran them through the basic positions and tricks: sit, sit up, present, roll over, play dead, etc. Button would have had a hard time keeping up with the pace they set anyway. Her little body wasn’t yet used to the demands of full time puppy girl life and her mind still had difficulty processing so many commands one after another. With her mind being completely on her puppy parts after hours of teasing, and the anticipation of still more teasing, she stumbled her way through the drill. Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment as she noticed the judging looks she got from the others. The shame was only temporary, however, soon her flat, little tummy contracted and she gasped as the system turned on again and brought her back to the dirt.

When dinner rolled around, Button remembered what the receptionist had said. “You’ll have the chance to make your dirty, pathetic little cummies in your crate at bedtime. That is…if you do a good job.” After just the first burst of the system, Button was already very agreeable to doing a “good job,” whatever that meant. After an entire day of the treatment, as a puddle of her own desire was collecting in the dust beneath her, she was so far past willing, there wasn’t a word for her state of mind.

Trying to eat was more difficult than usual. The kibble Master fed her at home tasted awful, but at least it was familiar. The kennel’s “food” was a whole new kind of awful. If it wasn’t for Master training her to “clean her plate” at every meal, not to mention her hunger having not eaten since breakfast, she wouldn’t have been able to even start eating, let alone finish. With her face in her bowl Button heard the puppy girls around her choke and squeal as their vibrators clicked on. She ate more gingerly than usual, waiting for her turn.

When the evil devices inevitably did activate, Button spit out a mouthful of dog food and moaned loudly. Braced for a long stretch of terrible titillation, Button was surprised when after just a moment the vibrations stopped. Shaking, she frowned. It had just been one of those quick, intense bursts.

“One minute, mutts!” The handler called. “Finish your suppers!”

Button’s frown deepened.

Finish your suppers or else he means.

She looked down at the half chewed dog food in her bowl and in the dirt around it. She sighed and lowered her face to the mess to finish eating.

It won’t be long till bedtime! Then I can make my “dirty, pathetic little cummies.”

After squatting with the others to make their last “piddles” of the day, the guests were brought inside from the dog run to a room with a line of dog cages against the wall. They didn’t look particularly inviting, but the other puppy girls seemed very excited to be put to bed in them. Button waited eagerly to be told what she’d have to do to earn an orgasm, though the idea of doing so without Master felt wrong somehow. She was never allowed to orgasm without his permission and supervision. It was one of the things she found the hardest about her new life and the thing that got her swatted and scolded the most. Still, she reasoned that Master must know the way things worked at the Wags kennel—he researched everything before he paid for it after all—so it must be alright.

Shoved inside the small crate, Button was still waiting to be told what she was supposed to do, but the handler gave her no explanation before he closed the door behind her and latched it. Button flipped around and watched him leave the room through the bars. Her puppy parts were tingling and clenching around the emptiness that filled her. What was she supposed to do to make this terrible longing go away?

Turning back into her crate, she surveyed the space that was to be hers for the night. The walls were a bubble gum pink color that fooled the eyes into thinking she was in a warm, comfortable space. Her touch, however, even through the paw mittens, revealed the reality that she was in just another cold, stainless steel prison. There was a small, white sleeping mat that took up most of the floor space. It looked pretty clean. But what garnered most of her attention was the large, red silicone dog knot sticking out of the back wall.

Button made a face. Under the guise of saving space and cutting down on spilled water, it was typical of kennels to use “water knots” to keep puppy girls hydrated in their crates rather than traditional dog bowls. They came in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, but some of the most popular were the ones modeled after large dogs, just like the one Button was staring down. It was bad enough having to suck water from a dildo modeled after Master, or a standard, impersonal dildo modeled off of a human man, but to have to lower herself to drinking from something modeled after a male dog was beyond the usual degradation she had to suffer.

Well, I guess I won’t be drinking water at night while I’m here!

Button ran her tongue along her teeth. The kibble she’d been given for supper was very dry, and they hadn’t given her any water with it. What’s more she’d been sweating all day from being outside in the summer heat and from the constant edging. She was actually very thirsty, but she turned up her nose as if someone was watching her or cared what a puppy girl’s opinion was on the matter, and vowed she wouldn’t drink.

What the Hell do I have to do a ‘good job’ on?

Her question was answered a moment later when she crawled deeper into the crate to the mat. The petsitter’s voice clicked on and she naturally braced just as she had that morning.

“Service the knot, puppy. If you do a good job you’ll get a refreshing drink. If you do a really good job you’ll be allowed to make cummies.”

Button scowled. That would be the job, wouldn’t it?

Oh, well, it’s only silicone…it’s not like it’s a real one…

Timidly, Button opened her mouth and slowly moved towards the head of the knot. Master was still tutoring her on the finer points of using her mouth. In truth, she wasn’t great at it, but he’d told her that she’d already made a lot of improvement in a very short time. Closing her mouth around the tip she shuddered even as she tried not to think about what she was doing.

“Good girl!” The sitter praised. “Show your love, puppy!”

Button suckled gingerly, her pale cheeks sucking in a bit as she did. The taste of rubber filled her mouth and she started to carefully bob her head back and forth.

“Good girl!” The sitter praised again. “Faster, puppy!”

For a moment, Button hesitated, but then the system clicked back on and suddenly her whole body was wracked with pleasure again. She sucked harder and bobbed faster, needing to put the energy somewhere, anywhere. It felt good to have something filling her mouth. She found it comforting. It was probably why in her old life she spent so much time vaping. Button worked her way down the shaft and used her tongue along the bottom of it just the way she’d been shown. The intensity of the vibrations seemed to increase with the intensity of her service, but she couldn’t be sure. She felt herself being dragged up the mountain again. She rose higher than she ever had that day.

Button bounced and her tail wagged. Without thinking she pressed forward and took the whole, bloated knot in her little mouth. Tears sprang to her eyes as she gagged on it.

“Good girl! Good girl!” The sitter praised yet again.

Suddenly, her mouth filled with a spurt of cool, refreshing water. Her eyes were wide as her cheeks popped out making her look like a silly chipmunk. Mewling, she struggled to swallow it all, but she didn’t want to waste a drop, both because she was thirsty and because of how it had been drilled into her how impolite it was.

She fell back onto the sleeping mat as the system pressed her and pressed her. She was there. She was there! She could feel the dam just starting to burst when the vibrating stopped and the sitter spoke again.

“Aw, sorry, puppy! You need a lot more practice. Better luck next time!”

Button whined. She petulantly reached down to try and paw herself the rest of the way. The moment her clumsy paw mitten touched her crotch she received a terrible shock in all the same places she’d just been receiving pleasure.

“No! Bad puppy! We do not paw ourselves without permission!”

Button kicked all four of her legs and cried. It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fair!

Her pathetic little tantrum went on for a while, but after it was done, she looked angrily at the knot and resolved that she would service it so well that she’d get to make her dirty, pathetic little cummies even if it took all night!


Earlier that day, Button’s owner, Robert smirked to himself while he finished filling out the paperwork. Button was a good girl, but she still had a lot to learn about life as a puppy girl. For one, she was still struggling with the concept that her individual parts belonged to him just as much as she did as a whole. She hadn’t quite grasped yet that he controlled every part of her as well. So, he decided to make her kennel stay fun as well as educational. On the paperwork he marked that she should be regularly stimulated throughout the day, but never allowed to orgasm, even in the evening when most of the other guests would be. He added notes to further emphasize this stating, “Under absolutely no circumstances should Button be allowed to orgasm. She should also not be told that she is under these restrictions.”

After finishing, he left the kennel to head to work. He wasn’t far away when he received his first picture of Button from the kennel. He shook his head at her pathetic state and imagined what she would look like when he finally returned to get her. He shifted in the driver’s seat of his car, imagining how much fun she was going to be—how desperate she would be—when he got her back home.

The End


A pic for flydeath with a story from Brentwood!

Thank you for the support and for letting me share!




Omg i love it. Next time maybe a tatoo special? Like the girl realizing that she could never be available to hide those marks?