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Hi y'all!

Here it is! A ComPet comic! It's been a while! (I have a feeling some new people probably don't know what that is lol^^")

Just a story about how a petgirl can make your life better ;)

Special thanks to our new benefactor and above tiered supporters! Wooff, USER#E7113B87, Waba, WinterTorchlight, OrangerKing, USER#8661D231, USER#5B78FC63, jcll, USER#7095DCCF, USER#FD35AA8C, Max L, nicholas, Skye Aura, Demmos, Elaine C, Joshua B, Robert M, Omar A, AR397, アフィート, al11, hohn-marcel

And as always, Big big thanks to all of you whose supports made this possible!


Now for the extra. This time I tried something pretty new to me. We have the 2 actual extra pages and then we also have the alternate versions of the normal pages!

I present you, The story from Fifi's POV! Let me know what you think!

And here's the texts:


Compulsory pettification (ComPet) is the core part of the human service pet law. A controversial law that dictates each year, a small number of randomly selected women of age 20 are drafted as state-owned service animals for the betterment of society.

Regulated by the Federal Bureau of Pettification, these draftees forego their status and rights and instead live and serve as pets for the pleasure of others in society in every imaginable way. The mandatory service period lasts for 2 years, during which the human pets go through obedience and service training as pets, and then serve until they are released back into a better society.

Years after the enactment of the law and its positive impact on the nation, many similar programs have been created. One such program is the Training for Health program. Where a young working-age citizen with physical or mental health problems can receive and train a ComPet under a specialist's recommendation. Studies have shown that caring for and training a ComPet girl can have the same positive effects similar to normal pet therapy, and even more additional benefits from the sexual gratification unique to human service pets.

Doug Berger (19)

A college dropout who has various health problems, social anxiety, and depression. He currently spends his time at his mother's home and moderates an online chat server "professionally".

His parents who work for the Human Pet Protection Service signed him up to the TFH program.

Fifi (20)

Formerly, a medical student named Fiona Dawn. She put her study on hold when she was selected to join this year's ComPet litter. After a shorter-than-usual intensive training, she was selected to join the TFH program due to her nurturing nature. Her intellect and medical knowledge however were not needed for a therapeutic pet role.

Fifi wears a PetSitter Mk III Mod 0. Her pet gear replaces the nipple and crotch covers/stimulators for an exposed view of her intimate parts and more pleasing piercings. This version of the Mk.III still maintains obedience control with the shock/stim units in the collar and tail plug.


Right, Let's go over it again, Doug. So you've always been lacking when it comes to physical activities and self-care.


You said you also have a problem finding friends or a romantic partner and after many bullying and rejections, you've now developed social anxiety and depression.


Yeah, doc. You see, I'm a loser, and all the loser things I do just lead to more and more craps in my life.


Honestly, I already gave up on this life, man. This whole meeting is only to entertain my folks. I just want to be left alone with my PC and online stuff until I die of a heart attack or something.

Well, I have to interrupt your plan here, Doug. You have been approved to join the "Training for Health" program. And here she is.




This is Fifi, your Petgirl to train and care for.



D-dude! She's freakin' cute as fuck! (N-nakey! Bouncin' boobs! Jingling puss?)

Yes, I agree. Apparently, she was pretty popular back in the med school she attended. Anyway, she's just a dog now. For you, Doug. Can I expect you to treat her like a good owner would?

Y-yeah, doc! You sure about this??


Yes, She's now the government property under your care. I expect you to take good care of her according to Compet owner's standard, otherwise, we'll take her back.

O-of course!


Here's a basic for you, kid. Fifi! Present!

WOOOAHH!!! (It's a real pretty pussy!)


Yes, and that's yours now to do as you want with. Have fun and be good!





Hmnf! Mmn!!

An oversexed creature

A service petgirl is a highly sexual creature. Constant sexual activities and stimulations are required to keep her active and needy.

Oh god! Fifi! You naughty lil' bitch! Take my backed-up, virgin cum!!





N-now, let me taste my pretty doggy!



Let's go another round, Fifi!

Woof! Whine!

A healthy petgirl is a "well-fucked" (and constantly "in-heat") petgirl.


The humanity deconstruction

The best way to remind a petgirl of her now animal status in society is public exposure. As a part of the required petgirl outdoor socializing activities, an owner is required to take their pet out for a regular walk daily. It's best to do this in a public place where she can be seen by many people such as a park, or a busy street (designated locations for adult activities). A petgirl needs to be constantly reminded of her status and get used to the lack of shame by displaying her animal body lewdly to the world.

Ah, man! This daily walk thing is tough, but I really love showing you off. Fifi!

Yo, Bro! Nice dog!

What a pretty little bitchgirl!

Hehe! All of them are looking at your goods, girl! Looks like turning your tail vibe to go "in-heat" mode does the trick!


In due time, A petgirl will develop an exhibitionistic pleasure, and her shame will turn into excitement. Do not miss the chance to verbally remind your pet of her depraved state.

Awesome petgirl, dude! Let me take a pic!

Hah! Go for it, man!

Ooh! You are leaking already! What a naughty little bitch you are, Fifi!



Alright, gimme!


The bone-shaped oral gag can also be used as a fetch toy.


Go fetch!



Playing fetch is a great outdoor activity for a petgirl and her owner.


And don't forget to take care of her basic needs.

Oh ho! Been keeping that one in for a while, haven't ya!

Wow! She really is an animal, huh? No shame at all!


Public displays of intimate activities are encouraged for all Petgirls (Only in designated areas)

Time for your cum snack, Fifi!


That's a good girl!

Yo dude! Lemme go next!


A life of a petgirl and her owner's are full of fun and loving activities


Months later

W-What do you mean?? You guys are taking Fifi back? WHY??

Started doing some self-care due to personal annoyance and meeting people more.

Lost weight from all the walks, plays, and sexes.


Well, She did her job, Doug. You became a lot healthier and happier now. Didn't you?

W-well, y-yes, but, with her!

You got a part-time job (To pay for Fifi's top-grade dog food), met up with friends, and even planned to go back to school, right? You are on the right track already!


Hmm! B-but!

There's a lot of guys like you that need Fifi, Doug. She has to go help more people before her time runs out. (Then she will go cure cancer or something) You get that, right?



It's time for her to go.

I understand, doc...

Thank you so much, Fifi!

I LOVE YOU! and I'll never forget you!!!


You can become a great trainer, Doug. Maybe one day you can make more petgirls like Fifi.


Fifi's POV


Months earlier

Fiona Dawn (20)

A draftee, former medical student

I can't believe I got picked.

All my future, my studies, my friends and family, my boyfriend... All have to stop because I have to go spend 2 years as someone's pet!


Completely strip, now!

Y-yes, sir!

No more pretty clothes.

Here's your collar. Put it on yourself, pet!


Just a collared animal.

Get down on all fours and start crawling!


You've been selected for a special program. You will receive intensive training. Follow the trainer, pet!

Whatever will happen to me?? Will I still be the same after all this? How?


Piercing and branding


It hurts everywhere!


Basic disciplinary

If I act like a human, I get shocked!



Oversexualize training

Come on! Do better! No teeth, bitch!

Squeeze your hole harder and move your hip, slut!

So many cocks! I lost count!


Basic pet's behaviours

Lift one leg and release! Now!

They really treat me like an animal!


Feeding and ego deconstruction

Here's some seasoning for your food!

Even worse than an animal!


Ready to serve.


It's finally time... My first owner.

Of course, he's a fat loser. Fuck me!


What are you so surprised about, you weirdo? Did you never see a girl naked? Hm... Maybe not.


Cute? Thanks, i guess. I feel like at least he meant cute as in human-cute...


Here comes the whoring pose. Here you go, master. My well-fucked pussy!


C-calm down, dude!

This pig fucks me like it's the last day on earth or something!


Well, that was quick. No surprise, I guess.

And of course, he came inside... Petgirls all get their tubes tied so no worries about getting knocked up!


A kiss, really? E-ew! It tastes like onion!


Eh! You can go again? O-oh well...


Shit! I can't get used to the public dog walking! People can't help but stare and this buttplug is driving me nuts!


Noo! I'm leaking like a needy whore! Well, I guess I'm lower than that...


Fuck, my jaw's stiff!


I always got plenty of dirt in my mouth while fetching! Yuck!


Peeing again... This time outside! Why does this kinda turn me on?


This fucker just feeds me cum every time we are outside with people looking! Hmmm... Fuck! This is so hot! Let me rub on your leg, fat master!


Oh, well...

It wasn't the worst. (And he looks kinda good now) Being a fuck-pet isn't so bad, I guess.


Hope my next owner will be as fun as you, ex-fatty master.

How long until I will go back to being human again? Oh, who cares anymore!
