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Story by TheBrentwoodSociety and pic for flydeath. Thank you!


Frisky could barely comprehend what the short, spectacle-wearing inspector lady was saying to her Master. She was too busy enjoying the steady tremors between her “hind legs” brought to her courtesy of the well-placed vibrators in her government-issued pet gear. Master kept her on a regular schedule for stimulation, and he maintained that schedule regardless of anything out of the ordinary happening, such as a nosey inspector from the Human Pet Protection Service showing up unannounced to perform a “welfare check.”

She squirmed happily making the vibrator inside the c-string she wore over her swollen “puppy parts” shift to the perfect position over her sensitive, pulsing clitoris. Frisky whined as she neared orgasm for the third time since the stupid lady had arrived. She prayed that she would be allowed to finish, but those hopes were quickly dashed as Master’s thumb tapped the remote he held and the buzzing subsided, ruining her orgasm yet again.

With her “breeding hole” clenching around the thick, dildo trapped inside of her, Frisky sighed, dropped to all fours and slowly wagged her tail to try to dissipate the terrible neediness. It was hard not to feel aroused, not just because of the relentless, cruel teasing she received, but because her owner had modeled her pet gear off of what she had been wearing the day she was arrested for what the judge had called “shocking exhibitionism.”

“You do these sessions ten times a day? That’s a bit excessive, don’t you think?” The lady asked. “That’s way more than what’s recommended in your owner’s manual.”

Though Frisky’s eyes were wide and her open, panting mouth was turned up into a dopey smile, inside she had decided that she didn’t like the lady at all. Who was she to tell Master how to manage his pet? Even if she did hate how Master kept her in denial, he knew what was best for her, not some stuck-up, flat-chested, little bitch!

Master smiled at the lady in the same condescending way he would whenever Frisky had an accident or got caught humping furniture without permission. “Miss Sharp, I’ll certainly give your recommendation all the attention it deserves!”

Frisky perked up. “Yes! That’s telling her, Master!” The shock collar around her neck kept her from saying it, so she thought it instead.

Seeing Miss Sharp deflate under Master’s gaze made Frisky’s desire flare back up. Ever since she’d been made a puppy girl, Frisky hated seeing girls on two legs. It wasn’t that she resented them for being allowed to stand upright, wear clothes, talk, eat human food, etc. It was because they strutted around like they were better than her.

They weren’t.

Frisky knew that they were all like her, nothing but filthy, perverted animals. They were just better at hiding it than she was. They were just lucky enough to have not been caught “misbehaving.”

Miss Sharp knelt down next to Frisky and checked the puppy girl’s eyes and ears with a bright, pen light. When Miss Sharp paused to exchange the flashlight for a tongue depressor, Frisky took the opportunity to jump on the back of diminutive inspector and show the little bitch who was boss. Miss Sharp, clearly a haughty, little prude, gasped as Frisky pushed her face to the floor with both paws, making the inspector’s scrawny ass come up to meet Frisky’s wet, hungry crotch. With her slobber dripping freely on the back of Miss Sharp’s crisp, white blouse, Frisky humped away with reckless abandon.

Master did not scold her.

Though he did not praise her out loud, his approving look was enough for her.

Human Pet Protection Service File #42738C – Frisky

Subject History

Frisky is currently serving a full two-year term of pet service as an alternative to prison for indecent exposure and lewd conduct. She showed great remorse at her trial and vowed to the judge that she would “learn to behave” during her service. Obedience training went smoothly and she was placed in the care of a registered pet-owner.


Frisky is energetic and shows minimal signs of physical and mental stress. It is recommended that she be taken to the vet for treatment of raw lower orifices due to what is most-likely excessive use by the owner and possibly others. In the meantime is highly recommended that stimulation from the petsitter be kept to a minimum to prevent further irritation.

Note: The owner is not receptive to recommendation.

*Attached is a full lab analysis of blood and urine samples.


Frisky lives up to her name. Whether her gear is switched to “in heat” mode or not, she is very affectionate to anyone else in the room. She will shamelessly rub her nether regions against anyone while whining loudly. She also shows a particular fascination with young women. During her inspection she knocked me down and attempted to engage in “mating” behavior with me until her owner finally pulled her away. Afterward, throughout the check, she repeatedly tried to place her muzzle under my skirt, and even went so far as to try to pull my underwear off with her teeth. Even after being told “no” firmly multiple times, she continued to try while wearing a devilish expression.

It is recommended that Frisky take a weekend obedience refresher course.

Note: The owner is not receptive to recommendation.

Report by: Inspector Third-Class Susan Penelope Sharp



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