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Hi y'all!

I got a message asking for where to find our first Compet story with June and I realized that we don't really have a convenient place to see this story in an orderly way. Since the story is part comic, part pictures with short story captions, it's kinda hard to track them all down^^" Sorry about that! This project was made when I was a lot more casual about making arts and stories. Most things back then were unplanned and my skills were... rough-er than today. So please bare with that as we take a nostalgic journey back to the beginning of Compet!

Compet#1: Draft day morning

- The morning of the mandatory pet service draft day -

She stared at various propaganda posters in front of her. Pictures of young girls, all of them in her age, dehumanized, humiliated, doing varieties of despicable animal like activities, acting like a mindless obedient dogs at the feet of their masters.

June'd been at the drafting station since 6 am. The notice she received 3 months ago on her 20th birthday stated that the process will start at 8 am, and her number was quite in the back, but she couldn't sleep. She practically hadn't slept, and went through all kind of mental breakdown since the day she got picked from the lottery system and for the next 2 years she will have to become a human pet. She wanted to cry, but the tears ran dry many weeks ago, and now she felt like just a shell of a human.

The domesticated human pet service act, is a law that requires 10 percent of female population at the age of 20 to be trained, and serves the society as a human pet at various tasks, such as military, public service or research, etc. It is a mandatory service by law, and any attempts to escape or avoid the draft will results in criminal charge against her and her family. There's no help. No way out.

The drafting location was very far away from her hometown, and none of her family members or friends can accompany her to the place, as the regulation dictates. She didn't remember the trip coming here. She didn't remember registering at the front. She vaguely remember whispering goodbye to her sleeping parents, who also had been in the same situation as her mentally for the last few months. She didn't even realize she'd been standing in front of the posters for 3 hours, when a male officer came up behind her.

"Next" a voice on a loud speaker echo through the room.

"Your turn, Pup" The man behind her spoke. It was finally happening. The reality finally hit her. She will no longer be considered human for the next 2 years. No more rights. No freedom. The tears flood back again as she turned to looked at him.

"Don't worry. You look like you will make a fine 'lil puppygirl." He said with an evil grin.

"Hell, you might even enjoy it"

Compet#0: Before the morning

Compet#2: Stripped

"Take them all off, woman. You know what will happen if you don't." One of the big burly recruitment staffs said as he standing in front of June, eyeing her from head to toe. He grins widely.

The young girl is mortified. Her hands tremble as she slowly taking off a piece of her clothes one by one.

No one outside of her family has ever seen her naked before, and here she is, stripping clumsily before 2 complete strangers as tears rolling down her eyes. She cannot resist.

"Soon enough, you won't remember the feeling of wearing clothes. This is your most important apparel for the next 2 years" the other staff said, holding out a red electronic training collar. June gasps silently as her taking off her bra. Instinctively, she put her hands up to cover her chest, but before she can, the first staff grabs her wrist and told her with serious tone.

"No more modesty for you, pet. All your goods must be put on show 24/7, or do you want some hands on assistance getting into your new life?"

With that reminder, she remembers what happened to the uncooperative girls.

ComPet#3: Hands-on assistance

When it began, a few minutes ago, the voice on the loud speaker told all of the women to strip to nude by themselves.

There were around a dozen of them in a closed room.

Naturally, everyone hesitant, a few girls openly protest the command.

June was petrified. She doesn't know what to, but she doesn't have the courage to do anything else either.

One of the women was speaking very loudly which turn into shouting at the staffs.

"This is insanity! If you gonna turn us into animals, then come and do it yourself! And be ready for a fight! We will not entertain you perverts any longer!"

She was very loud, and aggressive. June remembers thinking that she does have quite a strong physique, maybe she can actually hurt the staffs.

Around the shouting woman, other women started to speak up. Encourage by their peer's fighting spirit. They all start to shout with her. June was also driven with the moment. As she was about go speak. The voice from the loud speaker started again.

"Training staffs to the process area. Recruits require hands on assistance"

The gate flung open and revealed close to 30 male staffs coming into the room.

3 burly staffs rush the first shouting woman, and pinned her down. Her body hit the ground with a loud thud. Knocking the wind out off her.

"Can't wait to be a bitch, I see. Let's give her the deluxe treatment, boys!"

Within minutes, in front of the screaming women in the room, all the women that were protesting, were forcefully stripped and collared.

"Now normally, for a new pup like you we won't use this, but for a uncontrollable barking bitch, you get to start with the big one!"

One of the staffs holding down the woman pull out an enormous buttplug with a dog tail protruding out of the base.

Dreadful screams of agony filled the room as the staffs 'assisted' the protesting group.

Soon enough, there were nothing but cries and whimpering.

ComPet#4: Collared

"You are a quiet one, huh?"

The staff bends down and stares at June.

"Now, little one. Put this on yourself" he said as he hands her the red collar. June takes it with her ever tremblimg hands.

She looks at the menacing device. The red loop is made of thick leather and metal joints, on its side is a small metal box. Its the heart of the smart petgirl trainning system, the 'PetSitter'. On the other side of the band, June can see the electrode pointing out from thr box. She just know that, this is the part that will shock her to aid in her 'trainning'.

"By putting on this collar, you will forfeit all your human rights, and enroll in the compulsory service human pet program for 2 years. Your body will be owned by the state and the respective trainers and owners. Also known as your masters. Your purpose of being from now on will be to satisfy and fullfilled all of your masters' needs as long as you are a service human pet"

June is stunned. She wants to throw up and she almost drop the collar. She has seen documentaries and shows about human pets many times before, and already knew about this process, but she still can't believe its really happenning.

But what can she do?

She glances at the lead protesting girl again. She is still pinned to the ground under the staffs' boots. Shes whimpering weakly as the staff reads her the same lines June just heard.

There is nothing else to do.

Tears still heavily rolling down her eyes as its never stopped, as June put the collar around her neck, and put the joints together, produces an audible clicking and whirring sound. A small electrical buzz can be heard from the shock box.

"Congratulation, bitch. You are no longer a human"

ComPet#5: Tagged

"Now we go see the vet." The staff said matter-of-factly and June is then led into a small room.

"Be a good doggy and you won't get zapped"

The air is cold and smells of disinfectants. She is told to sit on an examination table in the middle of the room by a male staff who brought her here. The touch of the metal table is even colder. June's whole body is shivering, but she doesn't dare to cover herself. She took a quick nervous glance at the staff. He is smiling, enjoying the sight of the pathetic creature in front of him.

The door opens and in walks a man in a lab coat. His eyes are on the clipboard in his hands.

"All right. What do we have here? Medium-small frame pup, black haired, eyes, c-cup. No history of drugs or alcohol use."

He lifts his eyes from the clipboard and reaches out his hand to grabs June's breast. She lets out a small gasp, but remains still out of fear.

"Checks out. No signs of diseases. Teeth are nice and clean" The vet touches and looks all over her body. Every parts that no one but herself have touch or even seen before is explore. The examination ends by him putting a hand on her crotch and slips a finger into her vagina. June instinctively moves her hands up off the table to protest, but an eye contact with the doctor stops her.

"Good choice, pet. I was about ready to give you your first shock therapy" he shows her a smartphone in his other hand. Her picture is on the screen with a label "PG20XX/006". In the middle of the screen, the vet's finger is hovering over "Shock LV1" button.

He slips another finger in, then another one in to her anus.

"An anal virgin, huh? You gonna have fun with the tail, then" he chuckles

"She's very submissive. Maybe she will survives today without a single shock, huh?" The vet said, and the staffs laughs.

"You know that's not possible, doc. All new bitches learn the zap on the first day somehow."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get her prep then"

What follows is a whirlwind of pain for the young girl. First, she is injected 5 times with what the vet said are vaccines and birth controls, then a silver ear tag was pierce to her left ear lobe. June remembers from the documentary she saw, that this is for back up ID, medical data and location tracking for a petgirl. Then she got her body hair chemically removed with some kind of lotion. Finally, a laser branding device was use on her left buttock , and on her lower abdomen. 2 heart paw logos of service human pet and and bar codes were branded on her. Throughout this whole process, June was biting her lips to handle the pain, but her pitiful whine can still be heard and her tears was flowing until they're done.

"Alright. Good girl. Now you got to meet the ladies and enjoy a spa session. I will see you in a bit." the vet said as he pats her on her new brands. Before the staff leads June out of the room, he said to the vet.

"Wanna bet on that zaps, doc? I say she'll get 2 before the day's end, not counting me"

The vet look at June, thinking, and then he smile.

"Fine. I say 0. Be a good girl now and makes me proud, number 6"

ComPet#6: Groomed

Spa? What does he mean? June wondering to herself. What kind of perversion do these people have for her next?

She is then brought to a large spa-like room. 4 older women dressed like beauticians were waiting for her. They all have big smile in their faces. June is instantly reminded again of how naked and vulnerable she is compared to them.

"Welcome, pupieeee" One of the women chimes in, grabs June's hand and drag her toward a bathtub. She was soaked and scrubbed clean in every nooks and crannies. The women pay special attentions to her private parts and the still tender brands. All the while making comments about her.

"What a cutie! you are gonna be so popular"

"I wish I could take you home! Maybe if I would"

"Give me a paw. Aw your skin is so soft hehe"

One comment give her a panic. As one of the women was about to touch June's crotch. June moves her thighs together without knowing and the woman slaps/grabs her thigh and said.

"Woah wo! don't do that honey. You have the collar on now, so if you try to cover yourself, A behaviour unacceptable for a pet, the collar will automatically SHOCK you senseless!" June is again, stunned, and stop closing her thighs.

"Good girl. Now open up!"

The women then tie her hair into pigtails, and move on to put the pet gears on June. The paw gloves, The thigh high paw boots, Her headband dog ears, The vibrator pasties and c-string.

"All right. Everything is in place. Now, go to the vet to put your tail in and sync up all the devices"

June looks at herself in the mirror. She almost can't remember the creature in front of her. A girl masquerades as a dog. If she wasn't the one going through it, she might even think that she is a cute, sad looking puppygirl.

"You look absolutely adorable, honey. One word of advice..." a woman whispers into June's ear.

"Try not to think about it, lose you mind if you had to. Just remember not to disobey, ever" Her voice turns serious. The woman lifts the bottom of her shirt slightly. June can see a part of a human pet brand peaks out from under the woman's shirt as she was led away. This time on all four.

ComPet#7: Tailed

"Right. Tits down, ass up high now!"

June is back on the examination table in the vet office. After the most awkward walk in her life naked, on all four through the building. Now she is instructed to do a perverted pose for the veterinarian. Slowly and awkwardly, she complies, but maybe she didn't do it correctly or not fast enough, because the staff is stepping in and grabs and adjusts her pose. She's now lying on the table on all four, her "front paws" and chin and chest touch the cold table, while her buttocks are raise high, and with her thighs spread apart. Everyone there can have a good view of her most private part in this lewd pose, except for the tiny c-string covering it.

The vet then pull out a plug tail from a box. It is in similar fashion as the one June saw in the main hall, but quite smaller. Nevertheless the sheer sight of it still makes her panic. June starts breathing rapidly. She'd be sweating bullets if it wasn't so cold in the room.

"Don't worry, pup. this is a small sized one for a beginner like you" the staff said.

"Oh, looks like you got a curly tail, number 6. This is going to looks great on your little butt" the vet said. He then squeeze the red tip of the plug and the tail curve itself downward.

"See here? When you tighten your hole. The tail contracts. Like a scared bitch, and if you let it go, the tail goes free and you can swing it freely. Neat right?"

No, it's not.

June caught herself shaking her head slightly, The staff caught that and told her

"This lesson comes later, but you are a dog now, bitch. Bark once for yes and twice for no. And a question like that from the doc cannot be answer with no. Now BARK!"

June's trembling uncontrollably now. She lets out a small "Woof"

A rough hand of the staff slaps her on the buttock, right on her new brand. June scream while jerking forward, but another of the staff's hand grabs her shoulder.

"Bark like you mean it!"

"Wruff!" June barks louder that before, which seems to satisfy the staff. He lets her go.

"Let's do this. We have a lot more customers today" the vet said. He seems to be unfazed by what just happened. He put lube the plug quickly and put it through the flexible hole in the c-string, against June's anus. She feels it and instinctively clenches her hole. Preventing it from going it. Tears rolling again as she grits her teeth tightly. Eyes stare forward at the white wall in front.

"Its going in whether you like it or not, So if you don't want to get hurt. Start practice wagging your tail by relaxing your hole now."

But June cannot hear the warning. She's in full panic mode and clenches her hole tightly still. The vet runs out of patience and forcefully push the plug through June's sphincter in one go.

"Aurghh..." June can't even form a proper exclaim. The pain and the shock caught her off guard and knock the wind out of her, and as she was coming to her senses...

"Now to lock it in. I will sync the system with all the gears, and the plug will expand to prevent any accidents"



With a tap on his smartphone, June can hear the mechanical noise whirring inside her headband, gloves, boots, pasties, c-string and lastly, a sound of a pump expanding from inside her anus.


The plug's tip instantly expand even larger and lock itself inside her.

ComPet#9: Disciplined

"Disobedience detected!" A robotic voice rings in June's head. Her eyes dart around, trying to find where it came from.

"Completed unallowed urination. Level 1 clitoral shock." Then she realizes, the voice is coming from the headband.

There were 3 short beep sounds, and then a soaring pain started in June's tender nether region.

She collapses and scream from what has to be the most painful experience in her young life.

The shock continues for 12 seconds which seems like eternity to the young girl. There was a long beep sound and it stops. June ends up laid flat in her own urine, panting rapidly on the table. She is covered in sweats and drool.

"Fucking little bitch!" The vet shouts angrily.

"You cause me a bet, and wet the table!"

He then lowers his head toward hers. Stares at her in the eyes which June avoids the eyes contact immediately.

"There are a lot of bitches who need to use this table today."

"You better fucking clean up your mess right now!"

June was confused. She glances back at him. There is a fire in his eyes. He is serious.

ComPet#10: Clean up

"Dogs clean by licking up their mess, bitch" The staff joins in with the revelation.


June stares at both of them in disbelief.

You want me to... lick this??

She look back down at the pool of urine beneath her. Disgusted.

"If you don't start now. I'll shock your clit off until you do"

The vet shows the smartphone to her again. Its in clitoral shock mode, ready to go.

And that is it. Fear has taken over June's disgust.

She cannot take the shock again. No more.

June turns around slowly, trembling, whimpering. She lowers her head toward the puddle. It reeks. She shuts her eyes tight, tries to make her mind go blank.

Then she did what she was ordered to.

ComPet#11: The long dark

The long torturous day finally ends for June.

She was put into her assigned cage among several other petgirls in similar fashion cages.

The light is turned off, and the dark room was filled with quiet cries, whimpers and moans of distressed young girls. Any loud noises or human speaks will trigger the shock collars on their delicate necks.

June, like everyone else, is having a hard time trying to rest.

The PetSitter system is still activated, which means, she cannot cover her private parts. Closing her legs or putting her hands lower than her breast are off-limit, and the cage is too small to lie flat.

The vibrators on her nipples, clitoris, and in her rectum keep buzzing on a random interval are also driving her insane.

All of the girls here are being train to be horny bitches in heat.

June is dreadfully tired but cannot sleep. Her mind keep replays what happened today. All the horrible things done to her. All the disgusting things she did for them.

Why me?

She is still panting and sweating due to the constant stimulation.

This is just the beginning. They won't stop.

She covers her face. Wet tears streaming from her eyes is partly absorbed by her paws. Then June remembers what the groomer said.

'Try not to think about it, lose you mind if you had to...'


How could a sane person becomes a dog without losing their mind?

If I go insane, maybe the pain will stop.

I'm not even a person anymore.

I'm nothing but a dog.

I'm nothing...


In the middle of pitiful cries in the room. There was a long silence in June's young mind.

And then she start to enjoys the vibrations.

Right before she drifts off into darkness.

ComPet#12: June

That night,

in her dream,

June dreamed about many strange things.

She was not a shy, quiet, shut-in girl like she has always been all 20 years of her life.

She made friends, She started talk to people first, She fell in love, She went out to many places she has never been to, She went shopping, She went to an amusement park, She went out clubbing with friends. She does so many things.

And it wasn't scary as it used to be.

This is not scary at all.

What was I so scared of before?

I want to do more of these things.

I really do.


It's really weird to get to know her at the end right?

That's it, y'all! Where it all began^^ Hope you enjoy a look at a very important early Nimble's lol.

Let me know what you think!

Thank you as always for your supports!





Pretty Dark. While it's definitely not my cup of tea in terms of erotic's, I can always appreciate storytelling that tugs at my emotions like that. Good job!


Thank u and yeah i was a bit edgier back then. I think I associated June's stories with sadness until the end of Compet: Healers.


This brings me back...


I read it in machine translation and it was a wonderful novel.😚👍 It would be good if you could also put the comic lines and descriptions in text format so they are easier to read in machine translation!😇🧡


Is there any way to see more of June?


I'll try when i can. These are so old now i dont have the original files anymore^^"


You can look for her on my Pixiv (in the old posts) She had a series of pictures with short stories called "training guide" and then theres another comic called "Compet : Healers". More pics of her is coming in the future^^


It is hard to find on the fanbox, can you give me the links?


As for comics, she's only been in ComPet: Healers other than this :) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86662771 She also been in a series of single pics with texts called "training guide" you can find them on the early pages on my pixiv :)