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A story by Maddisaurus

Spring had just arrived. Flowers and trees now lush and colorful. The grass so soft beneath her, with some of the blades tickling her breast. The warmth of the sun kissing her skin as the gentle breeze ensured she didn't get to hot. There was a calming fragrances in the air as well that she couldn't help but fill her lungs with.

The new harness and gag she was in wasn't to bad either. It beat wearing the muzzle and the harness hugged her skin comfortingly too. Sure it had its draw backs, like drawing attention to her breast, lifting her ass, the leash pulling on the gag in her mouth, and the constant drooling. Not to mention the more padded toe beans on her stumps which made walking outside more comfortable, meaning she could walk for long periods in front of everyone with her tailplug waging side to side as her hips swayed.

It was all so humiliating for her still. Having been tapered and reduced to being nothing more than a puppy. She wished the ground would just open up and swallow her whole. Yet as degrading as it all was, the treatment, the gear, the looks and whispers, she found herself getting turned on by it all too, no matter how much she refused to accept it.

Suddenly an all to familiar voice mocking her in her head. "Good girl. Puppy dreams are the best dreams." then felt the subtle vibrations from her gear, rewarding her most intimate places against her wishes. Pepper sighs and moans helplessly in her dog bed as she is observed by the Experiment Division staff.

"Seems the new Pleasant Dreams system works in practice as well as in theory."

"That is good. The poor things seem to have the worst nightmares."

"Indeed. This should help the pups not whine so much in their sleep and make the whole process easier on them."

If she could scream she would. One of the few ways pets could escape this living nightmare was dreaming, now they was going to control that too?! Turning their own subconscious against them. So unfair...


I finalized Pepper's pic from last month^^ and our talented Maddisaurus/Pepper wrote a wonderful story to go with it! Thank you for the support and for letting me share!
