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Hi y'all!

This one was so randomly created. It started with the sketch of the fourth pic entirely for funsies. And then the rest and the story just grew around it^^

The weekend is almost here! I hope you are kicking ass! YOU ROCK!

Here's the extra exclusiv pic ;)


Thank you so much for agreeing to be a part of this performance art piece, Ms. Trickle!

Are you comfortable with this pose? You have to stay like this quite a bit today.

It's ok. This is fine! (Exciting! Nervous!)

[This gig pays pretty dang well!]


You are ok with being nude and wearing some exotic garments, correct?

No problem at all!

[I heard that many rich and influential folks are coming to this art show! A good chance to get in with one!]


Right! So this is the heart of this piece. A specialized shock collar!

Wait... A shoc- Argh!! (Zap!!)

Yes. Please be careful and don't talk or it will shock you.


It also connects to the cameras that track your posture. So, unless given permission, please stay still.


Let's get you dressed up!


Alright! Looking good! Now for the last few pieces!


Perfect! Now this is our "Boundward Dog"


Oh my! Such a lovely creature you got here!

Please feel free to pet and play with her, ladies, and gents. She won't bite.


Now, for the special bonus! Please welcome our special guest, Snuffles!
