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After her work in the Valentine's day ad, things went back to normal, or so she thought. Outside the Experiential Division of the FBP, Pepper had become a rather hot commodity and one they could use for future promotional work. The bureau wasn't comfort with clipping a bunch of girls yet, as the procedure and its effects were still being tested. But having a poster child for what could be in the future to get the hype up for when testing was complete was just good marketing. With Easter right around the corner, it was time to get the helpless pet prepped for her next advert. As grateful as she was to be out of the Petsitter gear and having the muzzles removed, her new outfit wasn't much better. The tight one piece clung to her curves, so much so that she might as well have been naked. Even if she had her hands, she wasn't sure she'd be able to get in and out of this suit on her on, much less now that she was cropped and helpless. Though the bunnysuit came with a couple of attachments she wasn't aware off till they forced their way inside her. "Alright, now that your all dress and ready, lets get you set up on the stage." Pose, after pose, after pose, till finally she was placed in a standing position. "Ah there we go! Perfect! Now hold that pose, 717." With that the photo shoot begun, though Pepper was not giving the expressions they wanted. Trying to balance on her stumps while in the tight suit was taking all her focus. "Lets get you more in the mood, shall we?" Suddenly her two invaders sprung to life, buzzing away inside her. "Much better!" The cameras clicked and flashed repeatedly, capturing the vulnerable girl's embarrassing moment for all to see. ----- An Easter special by our Maddisaurus who wrote the story <3 Thank you for your support and for letting me share!




It looks like a cute rabbit doll on display. (Translated)