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A look at a couple of cyborg punks and their adventure! Hi y'all! Hope you are well! Let me know what do you think of this one ;) Special thanks to our newest benefactor tier and above supporters: billykittyz, アカツキ, Enokar, Eland Girl, Michael and Apophenia! Honestly I cannot have done this with all of my supporters! Stay safe, happy and healthy and keep on ROCKING! texts: He may be an idiot, but Rusty is her partner and the person she trusts the most in this rotten city. From all the stupid shits he got himself and sometimes both of themselves into, this has to be one of the top tier fucked up situations. You don't buy an unverified cybernetic organ, no matter where it came from. Do so and you might end up with an exploding arm, or in this case, an explosively ejaculating, malfunctioning penis. The guy who works at LewdTechnica smuggled the part out of the storage and sold it to him "cheap" is what she can gather from the cumming dummy's panic blabbering. "I'm sorry, W. I got it done for you... for us." That is what he said under his laboured breath as the wave of ejaculation subsided temporarily. The guy is pretty much passing out. It was a sad sight, but sincere. The idiot loves her. "Save it, Rusty. You wait here for the doc." she said as she picks up her smart pistol and checks the hidden thermal blade in her right arm. All are loaded and locked. "I'll go have a little talk with your seller." You don't mess with the best gun-for-hire duo of the city, not even if it's just the dumb half. --- "Dear Mr. Russ, We sincerely apologize for the trouble our defective product cause you. The employee-related to the incident is now under our internal investigation. To show our commitment to the quality of our products and as a thank to Ms. W for bringing this to our attention. We have provided her with a free Lewdtechnica lastest software update and a complete intimate beauty augmentation suite. After some testing with the new upgrades, Ms. W who has enjoyed the augmentations very much has decided to join our company in the employee welfare and relation department. Wendy, as she is now known among our colleagues wants you not to worry about her and she is very happy with her new job. Please find in the attachment a video clip of her working in her new body. As for the defective product, and the harm it caused you, we are sending a team to your location to pick you up for a free augmentation as soon as this email reaches you. We trust that you will find our service satisfactory. Sincerely, Lewdtechnica PR team" --- "Oh, Ruby likes this one." Rusty, who is now known as Ruby giggles as the slut doll rhythmically slide the massive disembodied cybernetic penis in and out of her new augmented anus. The former street thug has taken well to the new augmentations and her job as a Lewdtechnica product tester. Ruby is definitely easier to be convinced of her new life compared to her more combative former partner, Wendy. It's wonderful that both were finally agreed to reasons, took the compensation software and hardware "upgrades" and join the Lewdtechnica team. The company can't be happier about this outcome of the smuggled product incident. Instead of a giant lawsuit and a stain on the LT's excellent records, They gained two eager assets who help boost the employees' morale and ensure product quality control. ---




Four years later they get out of the ratrace and move on with their old lives!