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This one is the idea that I've been cooked up for a long while now. I also might mentioned it before in our chat ;) Today i sat down and scribbled up this sketch and I want to share it with y'all <3 SPOILER ALERT OFC! It's the continuation of June/Cookie's story! And she will be working for our favourite welfare organization, the HPPS! (Also, she's wearing the "PetSitter Mk II Air" lol. Or should it be the Mk IV? I'll decide when I work on its diagram hehe) The core plot is: At the end of her service period, Cookie has now lost her humanity and think of herself as a completely obedient pet(If you are not familiar, you can read her story in the original "Compulsory Pettification" set) and the people at the bureau has to decide what to do with her. She can't easily go back to the society with her condition afterall. So, my idea is, she's gonna end up going to be partnered up with a young veterinarian and their will be touring the country and the neighbouring regions to visit and care for other petgirls of different types in the gowing human-pet industry. Each sequence of this story can be them meeting a new interesting type of pets. That's my idea anyway. I'd been thinking for a while of what type of character I would want Cookie's vet partner to be. Should it be a young man and maybe we can show a romantic relationship grows between them? or should it be more of a buddy, road trip story with a female vet? As you can see, i've been leaning more on the latter option. (If her looks resembles anyone you might have seen before, it's purely coincidental ;P) Anyway, there's a lot of parts i have to work on until i can get this thing off the ground. I actually have no idea what format I want to make this series in, and with us being as busy with many things in life, i cannot really promise if it will ever really gonna happen. I just want to hear of what y'all think :) All I can tell you now is, if it happens, I want it to be a happy story <3 Thank you so much for you support as always. You all freakin' ROCK!



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