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Story and commission by Misha "LilPetFemboy" . Thank you so much for your support and for letting me share ^^ Micah had a great life with his girlfriend Sadie and a bright future ahead of him, until his beloved girlfriend was drafted as a service pet. A high ranking compet official had taken a shine to her and so she was put through extensive training . This particular official had a bit of a sadistic streak and even took a liking to the effeminate young man. Disguising his sadism as kindness he allowed Micah to see his pettified girlfriend privately once every 3 months, knowing her restriction to acting as a dog would be difficult for the lovers and eventually boil over. One fateful day it took its toll and a mere 6 months before the end of his girlfriends contract, Micah made the mistake of thinking he could subvert compet technology, removing Sadie's collar temporarily during a visit. Having prepared for this her owner returned with a malicious grin. He had already set up fake connections from Micah to F.E.R.A.L and informed the lovers they had a choice. Either they could both agree to a permanent service contract under him, or Micah would be handed over to the authorities for his "crimes" (proven by his removal of his Sadie's collar). They both knew the rumours of what happens to certain F.E.R.A.L agents if their crimes were great enough. The young couple loved each other and knowing they would at least be together was enough for them both. They both agreed to the contract, not realising they were signing up to be experimental pets for one of compets high profile scientists. It was then that Micah felt a prick in his neck and his world went black. Through waking nightmares Micah eventually woke up after who knows how long. returning to the world reborn... as Princess the experimental compet dog. Princess looked over her new body with devastation, her legs cut to stumps that ended at her knees, her hands mutilated to become some kind of cutesy dog paws. Her "manhood" having previously hardly been big, was now barely an inch in size and completely useless (thanks to the same regular hormone treatment that gave her the round b cup breasts now adorning her chest). That didnt matter though, as the master she now shared with her beloved girlfriend had MORE than enough manhood for the both of them. All of these body modifications only made all the worse by the pink compet gear and white furred tail/ears she never expected she would ever wear. With no mirror, Princess didnt notice the more recent scar on her throat, meaning when she went to let out a wail from the devastation of seeing her new body she never expected to hear the high pitched whine of a small dog. This also meant she couldnt see the familiar dark skinned hands appearing behind her, holding the leash she would spend the rest of her life on...



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