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Some of you already know that I've fractured my shoulder bone a few months back pretty bad, and well.. things got a bit out of hand. Surgery was inevitable, and after a (relatively) fast recovery I'm now able to work once again. For some reason overtime my fingers became numb and that's when I decided to stop working for a bit and seek medical assistance. Everything turned out great in the end, the bone and muscles are well connected now and the pain is slowly fading away. I'm gonna start uploading stuff on a regular basis to make sure we catch up with April, and post all the renders you've never seen before! Thank you all for the patience and support - I'm happier than ever now that I'm able to use both of my hands and continue making artworks for you to enjoy 🙌



Glad to hear you're getting better! 🙏


Glad to hear from you and that the recovery was fast! Also glad that the surgery went without problems :) I am more then happy to see new work from you! But dont overdo it at the beginning :P


I appreciate it Tiny! There's lots of stuff coming your way and I can't wait to share them with you 😊


Oh thank goodness. I was worried sick about you. I can only imagine how terrible and inconvenient dealing with fractured or broken bones can be. I hope you will make a full recovery soon.


Thank you Sonic 🙌 The fracture itself wasn't such a biggie, but my fingers becoming numb over time was the scariest part. Glad it's all a thing of the past now, and most of all, I'm happy to be able to see you all. I'll jump back to Discord tomorrow since I have still a few pics to finish and publish first