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While I'm working on the rest of the pics, I wanna share the first half with you all.

The rest will be posted shortly after, so I'd love to hear your thoughts. Things are a bit hectic, but I will fulfill my promise and release the remaining two Bundles before December ends.

Have a wonderful week, stay safe, and stay awesome! Talk to you all soon 😊




Awesome, I can't wait to see the rest! 😍


Pleased to hear you like it, Red! 13 additional pics will be published soon and I'm excited for you to see them 😊


Seems like he played with more than just his original master ^^ Lucky for him. That moment when the first girl puts her foot on his eyeball is kinda icky, that he doesn't react at all... but images #4, 11 and 16 are my favs ^^


Hehehe, those are actually flashback scenes from a few years back 🤭 Thank you for listing your favs Sonic, I bet the 2nd half of the Bundle will also have some renders that you and the others will enjoy ^~^ p.s. Looking forward to hopping back to Discord soon, it's been a while