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Hey all, I hope you're having a better weekend than me 😅 A new issue emerges, and this time it has to do with the content on our Google Drive. It got shut down this morning and I'm unable to bring it back. If anyone has some pictures downloaded, it would be awesome if you could send them back to me so I can open an alternative account and bring back some of the art we've lost. Luckily tho, all of the Bundles are on my PC, so I'll be able to restore those in no time. Talk to you guys soon!



Someone really doesn't want to allow the remaining pictures of Lin Dojo's Challenge to be added xD Jokes aside, that is sad to hear, buut I have some of your old pics and will send you link for them.


Maaaan that sucks :c i surely have some pictures. I will try to send them to you as soon as i can :) Keep the head up! We will find a solution :D


Bonjour Footsie, ce n'est pas de chance! Si vous le souhaitez, j'ai stocké 40 Go (1 882 images). Je peux essayer de vous les transférer. Bonne journée et bon courage...


Thank you Sonic, I appreciate your offer. See you on Discord 🙏


OMG Yakeal đŸ€© C'est une excellente nouvelle, mon ami! Si vous ĂȘtes sur Discord, nous devrions vous contacter. Avoir au moins certains de ces rendus nous aiderait Ă  crĂ©er une nouvelle galerie et Ă  nous assurer que les images sont Ă  nouveau en ligne.


Thank you so much Tiny - you and the others made my weekend much better, even though it didn't start that well. Knowing you've got the pics tucked safe and sound puts a smile on my face ^~^ See you on Discord, I'd love to restore as much as possible 😊


Bonsoir Footsie...Je vais rarement sur Discord, mais je vais m'abonner à un service de Cloud cette semaine et vous enverrai les coordonnées pour récupérer vos documents perdus...Je suis désolé, je n'ai conservé que les fichiers qui m'intéressaient, il en manquera donc beaucoup mais cela représente 40 Go...Bonne soirée à vous...


C'est trĂšs gentil Ă  vous, mais vous n'avez pas besoin de mettre Ă  niveau. Au lieu de cela, nous pourrions le faire en 3 parties ^~^


Bonjour Footsie...I started the download this morning, it should last 30 hours... I will send you the link to access the files... Bonne journée.


No, please don't waste 30 hours downloading! I'll just get the pictures from someone else - really, I appreciate you trying to help out, but there's no need to go trough such lengths 🙏


Bonjour Footsie. I've send you a message withe the link. Bonne journée...


Bonjour Footsie...Were you able to access my drive with the link sent in my private message ? Bonne journée à vous.