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Hiiragi Popura, who is in charge of drawing, submitted the completed data to me the other day and I've sent it to the printer.

I hope it will be published safely.



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对本网页上发表的任何作品的任何未经授权的翻译,应被视为构成对翻译数据所有版权的放弃,并同意Hyoui Lover可以自由使用。




Hi author, I'm assuming you gonna publish it on fanza, or other website. I never use fanza before but I'm interested on buying the finished work. Does it accept paypal? And would I get a digital or physical copy if I bought one? Thank you


I intend to sell it on FANZA/DLsite. But I don't think they accept paypal. They take credit cards though.


Thank you for the reply, I see it is such a shame that it doesn't accept paypal. My issue with credit card is just I'm afraid it will directly show what I'm buying especially the 18+ content which I'm worried I might get into trouble per my country rules. Anyway thank you for the reply


I often buy doujinshi at fanza.You can pay with dmm points, and the points can be charged through paypal.