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Probably this is going to be the last update before the actual release.

I think we'll make it by the end of December.

Please look forward to it!

As for the teasers, I think I'll leave it at this point because from the next page things start to get REALLY juicy.

(I wonder if most of can acsess FANZA or DLsite though...)




Most English speaker probably able to access DLsite. Do you plan to release your previous book in English?


Awesome! Will there be a full digital release?


I see. That's good to know. As for the previous book, do you mean 憑依友達?


Hey! New supporter here and I just want to say I love your work! Huge fan of possession and you capture the genre so well!


I mean 憑依ノキロク. If I understand correctly, this book have multiple author right? I understand if it hard to release this one in English


Ah...okay. Umm, to be honest it might be pretty difficult to create a English version of that doujin because 90% of the content are novels. But I might be able to translate the comics sooner or later.


Thank you for your support! I've been fond of this genre for more than 10 years I guess you can say that I "get" how it works. More contents will be released on this FANBOX so I believe you won't regret paying the cost.


Really thanks for info. I also understand that reason, it's okay.


Oh I already don't regret it haha! Hey quick question, are you still taking like idea submissions and stuff? I'd love to send some your way for your idea box.


Nice! Do you have a place to submit them or would I just submit them as a comment?


You can leave them here on the comment section. Or you can send it to me by DM on pixiv.


VERY JUICY. This teaser is already so good, I can't wait to see how the full thing will be :0!!! Thanks for commissioning out such high quality possession works! Do you plan to commission this artist in the future? I'd love to see more stuff between you two!


Thank you! And yes I have future plans to work with duokuma-san so there will be more to come!