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In last month's State of Something, I mentioned that January will be the last time that I make full use of this platform. Just to make sure that everyone has seen it, here's the statement in full explaining the decision:

"Sadly, January will likely be the last month that I make use of Fanbox, leaving everything fully exclusive to Patreon once again. Once we enter February, it won’t be part of my uploading regimen.

Yes, I know that Patreon isn’t always kind to NSFW creators as well, yes, I know that there have been NSFW content creators nuked from the platform as well, but there are reasons that I’m putting all my eggs into its basket, and a lot of that unfortunately has to do with how I’ve come to feel about Fanbox. Is it comfortable? Yes. Is it reliable to me, a non-Japanese content creator? Well…

Since I started using it in 2020, I was hopeful that they would end up utilizing an international choice in currency, as it only used JPY, Japanese yen. Unfortunately, three years on and that still hasn’t happened. And three years on, I think things may have gotten a little worse as well.

While I’m sure most people are using Fanbox because JPY converts better for them in payment, the truth is that the exchange rate between USD and yen seems to have fluctuated by a LOT from where I started, and it doesn’t feel as though things have gotten better for Japan since it favors US most days. When I set Fanbox up, it was for what the equivalent of the dollar was at that time, but with so much fluctuation, it means that I’m not getting as much as I would be now compared to three years back.

So much like Subscribestar, you’re welcome to continue supporting me through Fanbox if you want to, but after January, don’t expect too much in the way of updates. I would, however, still recommend moving to Patreon if possible."

So yeah, this would make Patreon my only site of choice for support, early access, and so on. I don't know how many of you will move to Patreon, but if it helps me out with my creative endeavors, I hope you can all join me there. I would say the best time to do so would be before Fanbox charges you at the end of the month, and right as Patreon is making its rounds.

Hope to see you over there soon!


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