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Back in January I had posted my last audio project, uncertain of where my future with cresting auditory content was going to go. As it's been a few months, I have to admit that I'm feeling much better in my head space than I was by the time I completed that. I think I've also been able to look in hindsight what might have been the larger problem, although really, it was a culmination of a lot of things.

And like, I was going to try and explain what I felt were the biggest issues I was having, but the more I think about it, there’s just a lot of it that gets maybe a little too behind the scenes, and would be more meant for any VAs or otherwise reading this. (And hello to the VAs if you’re reading this!)

With cutting back on the availability of slots while also raising those prices, I've had some free time to try and do other things, even if that's mostly been playing Tears of the Kingdom or shiny hunting in Pokémon Scarlet. But I've also been sort of 'sketching' some things when I have it in my head to do it. While I don't think I'd give up the written word for visual medium, I can at least make an effort to better illustrate to an artist what I want out of them when I commission them.

I bring that up because I want to get more into scriptwriting again. It was my favorite part of the audio project process, honestly, and I want to reach out to game devs who might be looking for a writer to hopefully get more experience working together on larger projects.

In fact, I have a proposal for something for next year, but it's way too early for me to broach that subject with anyone.

That said, with the idea of scriptwriting, I want to do something for at least the $5 supporters and $10 supporters. I'm at a crossroads of if that would be comics or audio content.

If I do audio stuff, I'd be doing things differently compared to how I was doing it before; maybe cutting back to once every two months until i have enough funds to get back to the original way I was doing stuff, allowing the VAs to post the content to their pages after a set amount of time…editing would still be up to me, however, sorry. I know that might take some weight off of my shoulders but I'd rather deal with that rather than have someone put their touch on it only to have a hundred notes on how I would rather it.

That said, if I do the comics option, it would be a similar deal, only likely to be one page a month because depending on who I pick to draw it out it shouldn't be as expensive. Maybe. So that's where I'm at with my options, just weighing out which way I want to go with it and, hopefully, others will be fine with that.

That's all I have to say. I guess I'm just airing out my thoughts, even if a bit out in the open, just so I hope everyone understands where I'm coming from.


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