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Hey guys. About a month ago I made an SoS about the change in commission prices coming next year. After giving it some more thought, I've decided that the current commission model is going to need to be restructured quite a bit going forward.

The last few years have been a shift in changes as a result of different circumstances brought along by the evolution of society and work due to Covid. While things have gone well for me when these did occur, it's been a little more difficult now compared to then, as my work schedule was much different pre-pandemic. As I'm trying to adapt for my own well-being and avoid burnout, that means a lot is going to have to occur again.

For starters, the amount of slots that open per cycle is going to decrease, going from 20 down to 10. I figure given most commissions take me roughly 2 days to finish, especially those at 5-10k, that it only makes sense that a 20 day cycle to finish comms should be much better to me. The hope is also that I’ll be able to get more time to myself and use that for writing and working on my own content as well.

In a way, you likely think that this means that I'll be opening commissions more often, and I do anticipate that. However, this will make it a bit more difficult for you guys to get slots. It's likely that I'm going to keep over one of the things that I started this year, having commissions only be available to those that didn't receive them in the previous cycle.

Now, this might all sound well and good, but as a result of slimming down slots and keeping the rule of alternating clients per cycle, this might mean that I'm going to end up being just a liiittle more stingy on what commissions I'll approve of working on.

Over the years I've had a decent idea of what people come to me for, and I've been more than willing to write a lot of content that others won't. But I’ve discovered that sometimes writing them is less dependent on comfort and more if I'm interested in doing the idea. So while I might not want to do the story one month, I might want to do it next month. Or maybe one idea is too similar to another request the same month and I want to give some space between the ideas.

One other thing I might put in place: a word count limit. While it doesn't happen too often, I do get requests that end up going over 10k, sometimes by intention of the client's request, but even then I can only go for so long, capping at 17k words before I toss in the towel. But if I want to keep it easy on myself, then 10k is going to have to be it, especially since on a normal day I can get 5-7k in.

Should a story end up going over 10k, however, any additional 1k after that point will end up with an additional $3 per word. So for a story at the sales price, 3k words after 10k would end up being $45 instead of $36.

I appreciate that you guys are willing to pay me for these stories, even wanting them to go the extra mile, but I need to do what I can to keep myself from being overloaded with this sort of work. We’ll see how well it all goes, naturally.

I think that’s all I need to cover for now. The full guide has been updated, so make sure you check the full thing out here in case something has been missed.

In case I don’t have any other updates, have a Merry Christmas and happy new year!


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