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context revited with big help of bypasser: There were three things that Furina hated: embarrassment, being proven wrong, and than being embarrassed because she was proven wrong. They were such awful, nasty feelings and right now, she was feeling all their negativity. Lyney’s trial was a disaster! The magician she accused of murder was found Not Guilty thanks to that accursed Traveller, who was a qualified defense attorney apparently. To add salt upon her metaphoric wounds, Chief Justice Neuvillette had even called her out like she was some misbehaving child in front of her audience! She found herself cornered by the two shortly after the trial. They weren’t impressed with her behavior and all the drama caused by the trial she called for. Neuvillette especially had some harsh words, saying how she needed to be disciplined as her actions were unbefitting of her title of Hydro Archon. Grabbed by her Chief Justice and the Traveller, Furina was dragged to the main city where there was a sizeable gathering. The Traveller’s companion, Paimon, was ringing a one of those little bells to call to attention the presence of their archon. The press was especially interested. Waiting for her at the center of the crowd was a chair with mechanical stocks. She kicked and squirmed with all her might but it wasn’t enough to stop the duo from strapping her in. She didn’t like the looks of amusement and second-hand embarrassment at her expense, especially when the stocks clicked around her ankles. “Let it be known that the people of Fontaine deserve of an archon that acts rationally and responsibly to uphold the principles of justice! Lady Furina has demonstrated she is both impulsive and undisciplined, which led to a false accusation. Like a child, our archon must be disciplined! Madames et monsieurs, under Fontaine law, Lady Furina is to be punished!” Her heart stopped at that moment. Why would Neuvillette of all people decide to uphold THAT particular section of Fontaine’s Legal Code?! Everything clicked as Lumine removed her shoes. This was a conspiracy! The crowd was in awe at the sight of her divine size nine feet. On any other occasion Furina would flaunt her perfect soles but right now, they were trapped and helpless. Whatever hope she had for last-second intervention from the Chief Justice were dashed when he turned his back on the scared archon. Not helping was when Lumine got close, really close, to her ear before Furina would be forced to laugh. “Time to discipline the archon.” ------- And Here is the lucky winner from the victim box 39 Always a pleasure work with Genshin charas hope you enjoy this and remember a comment is always apreciated




I especially like the fingers that tease the little toes of her feet 😊Frina, the water god, is just a cute girl when faced with the tickling of the soles of her feet from being stocked.