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After the attack of the demon beast at Roswaal's territory there it came a times of rest and peace, but after all time for explanations, it wasnt a secret how rem was threating Subaru too hard since he arrived, something that he never understood completly, but after the incident all changed, now Rem seems to think so high about Subaru, but with this change of feelings remorse apeared in her heart, she was ashamed for how she acted until then that she was looking to do anything to compensate him, but Subaru was too nice and never asked for anything, that was for a couple of days until Rem asked to her older sister Ram for a suggestion. Ram just pointed out how Barus didnt deserve such thing for her younger sister, it was something too good for him, but Rem just insisted and she didnt want to feel like this anymore, Ram who couldnt ignore her sisters feelings just thought on a easy idea, but she didnt explain what was it and she pointed out she was gonna tell to Subaru about it, so Rem just had to follow all steps Ram says wich Rem confused acepted after a bit. Next day, a day where Roswaal leaved the mansion, all preparation were done, Rem was in a stock, barefoot, confused at first, Subaru was there confused as well and Ram was walking around preparing some "tools", the room shines for its silence, "What da hell was happening?".Was the reply from subaru, all exalted for the surprise , after all Ram didnt explaind a thing to him as well, "Rem insisted in get punished to amend for you, im just helping here". Was the quiet answer the maid said , "Why it feels like you just did this to have some fun? " just replied a blank sounding Subaru, after all he knew how the pink hair girl was like, " Do you think im the kind of person who enjoys punishing others? " shocked for the question Ram just replied, " Yes i do, and i think Rem is been too naive by letting you do this" Subaru replied astonisehd for what the Big sister was gonna do, " Anyways less words and more action, you should see this until the end, because it has Rem's feelings involved, or do you prefer to give me a hand maybe? " with a grin in her face it was the last reply Ram gave to Subaru before start a long session. ------- hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy and feel like it.



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