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Long time no see!

I apologize for going dark this past month, I hit another motivational slump and I've been focusing more on work. I'd like to make it up to you guys in the form of making a few cards based on your guys' requests! I'll be probing on Patreon, Twitter and Fanbox for ideas, whatever pops up the most often, or appears the most interesting to me will then be put into polls on my Patreon and Pixiv. It can be an existing character, your OC, or a prompt for me to make my own OC, anything that comes to mind!

From there I'll pick 2 or so cards to make in the coming weeks, hopefully I can get them done in a timely manner, and hopefully they come out even better than my previous endeavors. We'll see ^^

Go ahead and leave a comment here or on my twitter post with your ideas!



Make a Shark @-@


I'd like to see another egyptian theme oc sprinkled with some smugness or perhaps this artist's girls:(prefer the one on the left) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86650319


Friend of mine made that exact girl awhile ago https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81571567 Another egyptian girl doesn't sound like a bad idea tho...


Also, was Camellia still happening? I was looking forward to her ><


I second the new Egyptian girl and/or any dark skin girls!


what about something fantasy related. like a Dark Elf for example.