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  • オバケの憑依大作戦1 ver0.7 2023-12-30 14-14-44.mp4
  • オバケの憑依大作戦1 ver0.7 2023-12-30 12-35-15.mp4
  • オバケの憑依大作戦1 ver0.7 2023-12-30 12-36-45.mp4



憑依ゲームの進捗状況です!🎮😃 現在はボスオオカミの制作、プログラミングに取り組んでいます! BGMやSFX、ゲームのクリアはまだありません🥺 サンプルゲームのzipを添付しました!よろしければ、動作確認、キー配置の操作性、バグや改善点などありましたら、下のコメント欄にフィードバックをお願いします! This is the progress of the possession game! 🎮😃 Currently, I am working on creating and programming the boss wolf! No BGM, SFX, or game clear yet🥺 I have attached the sample game zip! If you like, please check the operation, the operability of the key layout, and if you have any bugs or improvements, please give us your feedback in the comments section below! ''W'' 憑依解除 Release from possession ''A'' 憑依攻撃 Possession attack ''S'' ジャンプ Jump ''D'' 攻撃アクション Attack action ''←→'' 左右移動 Move left and right ''↑↓'' 上下移動(オバケ) Move up and down (ghost) ''space'' ポーズ Pose




maybe when you beat the boss you can take his body!


I love all the possession animations. Looking good, reuben.😊💖 My suggestions for now would be: - more quiet music - faster possession animation - faster movement If you ever include upgrades, perhaps the character could briefly protect himself with a psychic shield. 🛡


(This is all for much later:) I'd love to see a peaceful NPC you can possess. Like there's a village with a big door. And they only let people of the same species inside. You have to possess the correct body to go inside. You can do this by removing weapons from enemies and make them look friendlier. How about a friendly sandbox stage where all the characters are there and friendly, so you can possess them in peace and for fun?


Yes! Of course! The boss wolf will also be able to be possessed eventually!😉


I see, I understand!😄 - more quiet music Is the music loud? I got it. I'll adjust the volume! - faster possession animation During the possession animation, press ''A'' to go to ''faster possession animation'' and ''possession animation cut.'' - faster movement Okay, I'll change and adjust if I can! - psychic shield That would be convenient! I will assign and add buttons if possible.


Sounds good! Great idea!🥰 I would like to be able to create a mystery-solving stage like that someday!😌


Thanks, reuben! Some more things: - It should be "Pause" and not "Pose" - You are throwing every mechanic at the player at once. Good design would be to introduce each mechanic one at a time. Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjMZ_vH8kRo


That's right! It would be useful to have a tutorial on how to use it.😌 Oh I understand! I'll change "pose" to "pause" later lol