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A few layers to this one! The girl on the rightmost is a prototype of Andrea, who I thought kind of looks like Kendall Perkins (who once in an episode of her show wore a diaper and held a "diaper awareness day" rally) so I created two gangs, the ghost trio we're familiar with and a Perfektborg analog headed by proto-Andrea




Wait hold on...what?! You're telling me this Kendall Perkins has a show, and had a Diaper Awareness day episode?! I would so watch that episode of that whatever show Kendall Perkins is in! What show is she in, and where can I watch the episode?! Also I wish there was a real Diaper Awareness day. 🙁 I mean there's a National Day for everything, why not National Diaper Day? Or better yet National ABDL day! 😊 Although that might be asking too much.


Its from the cartoon Kick Buttowski, but its just a very brief scene. I made a drawing of this years ago as well.


This is adorable and love it so much. Diaper gang war has commenced


So that’s Prototype Andrea? Yeah she would be a blonde. Kinda has Pacifica Northwest vibes.


OK I'll have to check out the drawing sometime. Darn I was hoping the Diaper awareness day was a full episode. Didn't know it was just a brief scene in the show Kick Buttowski