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Here is the full set. I made this simply as an indicator for me to sticky on my twitter for whenever my commissions are actually open. I plan to open them sometime next month hopefully. In the mean time, I was finally getting started on Miko comic pg 4 (should be the final one, plus an epilogue). Also two other drawings... they will be a surprise ;)




Can you also make a version with out the see pink/purple skirt


Are you ever going to regress any of your characters back to babyhood and diapers anymore? It's my favorite fantasy, and I'm hoping to see it again... It's been a long time.


I added one for the first Andrea... however, the second... it's going to be a little trickier, and will require work, just because of the nature of the way I did the overlay for her skirt. It was a royal pain tbqh.


Can't wait for commissions to open again! BTW what show is Andrea from? She looks like the blue-haired girl from Molly McGee who had a sleepover. Or is she just an OC of yours?