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Hello everyone! Here is my annual New Years picture, this time its Twitch from the Shantae series!




Love how you do classic cloth diapers


If only they made Diaper pins that big IRL. The shading on this is fantastic! There's like 2 layers of shading! What program do you use for your drawings? I use Adobe Illustrator. It makes them look really nice but is very time consuming because it deals only with shapes and colors. If there's something faster and more efficient than what I'm using like maybe what you're using if it's not Illustrator I'm open to it. But both ABDL artists I've asked say they use PhotoShop which is not ideal for me because I don't know how you even draw on PhotoShop tbh! So, if you use something other than PhotoShop or Illustrator that's better or faster I'd love to know what it is. Because so far I've yet to find something that works better/faster for me than Illustrator. Please write back if you can. Thanks and stay Diapered!🧷🙂 -ABDElsa❄️🍼


Hello. I actually used to use Photoshop too, but around a year ago I learned how to use Illustrator. It's far better for lineart and corrections. After I finish lineart, I convert the .AI file to an .PSD file and do the coloring in CSP and Photoshop. For this, I did the darker shading for Twitch first, and filled in the lighter shading as an in between layer, almost entirely hand drawn. I think this is the way its done in Pirate's Curse. Funnily, the more recent Shantae games use a far simpler cel shading. There is a bit I think I could've done better (Given Twitch's face a bit more blush for once) but overall this was pretty good, considering I only worked on it for a few days.


I figured you probably used Illustrator. That's what I use too! I think it looks great! Illustrator may be time consuming, especially the shading, but it really makes characters pop! So the hard work is worth it!