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Hello everyone, and welcome to my newly establish pixivFanbox.

If you are switching here from my patreon, thank you very much for the support!

My usual model for artwork will apply here. As an early access supporter, you will get first viewings of my art, as well as WIPs and other features, months before it is released to the general public. For the time being, I will not be doing sketches so the higher tier slots are on hold for now. Commissions through pixiv should be opening back soon however.

Anyways, I had to leave patreon because they were asking me to delete things which I felt weren't covered by their guidelines, or at the very least the PT&R department there was very hard to communicate and get a straight answer from. I do not think they liked my system of commissions with pixiv either. When I attempted to ask for more clarification, they put my patreon page under review (essentially, stealing my patrons and my own money), so rather than get any further involved in with what is obviously a bad business I think it would just be wiser to move on and expand outward instead.

As per usual, I do follow my own set of guidelines as well. This is strictly an artwork blog. I don't draw hardcore stuff, and even topless nudity is rare here. There is age regression, where characters will turn into babies or toddlers, but nothing beyond diaper related embarassment. The majority of characters I draw are women from western cartoons, but I do occasionally crossover into anime and video game territory.

That is all I can share for now. Thanks again for your support.




hey I'm a fan of your work


Hey. I’m also a fan of your work. I especially loved Gwen (TDI), she looked so hot and cute diapered with a mix of her younger clothes/hair and older. Think you can do the same thing with Leshawna, Bridgette, Izzy, Beth, Courtney, Katie, Ella and Sugar?