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6월의 보상 공지

안녕하세요 베추입니다. 실험적으로 그려본 빌트레드 여체화가 반응이 좋길래 각잡고 만화로 하나 그려볼라합니다.

갑작스러운 특이 취향으로 당황하셨다면 죄송합니다.

하지만 지난 번에 말씀드렸듯 특이하고 이상한 걸 그려보고 싶다는 욕구가 항상 있었는데 이번 기회에 다 풀어보려합니다.

만화보상은 빌트레드 여체화가 될 것 같고...

그 외에 리퀘스트로 작업하는 캐릭터들은 평범한 여자캐릭터들이니 안심하셔도 될 것 같습니다😁

아무 남자나 붙잡고 고추 떼버리고 싶다는 생각은 없기 때문이에요

추가적으로 도시락만화는 퀄리티면에선 그나마 괜찮은 느낌이지만 내용측면에선 완전 실패한 것 같습니다. 이왕 그릴거면 좀 더 빻아도 되지않을까

아쉬움이 가득하네요... 언젠가 그릴 조교물에선 좀 더 빻아지도록 해보겠습니다.

이런 엉망진창인 패트리온을 후원해주셔서 정말로 감사드립니다. 그림에 대한 피드백 항상 감사히 잘 읽고있습니다. 더욱 발전하는 모습 보여드릴게요


Hello, Bechu here. I was testing out reactions of subscribers, and TS version of Vildred got some positive feedbacks. In response, I will be working on a comic strip with a TS character.

Sorry for abrupt notice stating that I will be covering some minor subject. But as I have told you in other notice before, I've been always craving for refreshments which doesn't cover major subjects. I thought this would be a nice opportunity to try on those things.

Next reward will cover TS version Vildred comics, but other rewards including illustrations will be all 100-percent female characters, so you might not have to worry too much. I really don't want to change sex of some random guy... you know.

Also, last reward (DSR-50) was a partial failure. Its details and depictions were not so bad, but plot was a total disaster. Perhaps, I should have gone all the way to the end once I decided to cover ugly bastard category, but I didn't. As you all know, once you make your mind to cover a category, it's better to cover it right. So if I come across another chance to cover this ugly bastard plot, I will make sure to do it better.

Thank you for supporting this clueless artist. I'm reading all your feedbacks, so please feel free to express your feelings. I will do my best to become a better artist. Love you all! 😁😁



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