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いつもご支援ありがとうございます。 今回は珍しくドラゴンボールのキャラクターイラストになります。 僕も21号の出るゲームは買ったんですがアクションゲームは苦手でまだクリアしてません(;'∀') では来週の更新もお楽しみに! Thank you for your continued support. This time, unusually, it will be a Dragon Ball character illustration. I also bought the game with No. 21 in it, but I'm not good at action games, so I haven't completed it yet. Well, look forward to next week's update!




To be fair 18 has always been a stand out in dragon ball and 21 just goes all in on being as lewd and suggeststive as possible in my opinion lol while I don't know about her original human self since 21 is said to be very different from her, 21 definitely wants a strong man lol


Next week Kugisaki?


I feel like you're not the only one drawing? Think about it, you're Maybe I say, that but maybe it's not your Your fault. I'm sorry. But I can't support you anymore. Because I don't like having black men. Slept with Naruto's wife. But too bad in any case you have potential. But I think we don't have the same tastes. I don't feel represented. When I see black men?


I hope a game you understand that blacks don't have a bigger penis than other men? It's a legend. It's a stereotype. Pornography is trafficking. It's an aesthetic thing. I knew a girlfriend who had a black boyfriend She told me he had a small penis. So, that mine was much bigger and wider? So, that I'm white? Because I know that the Japanese don't know blacks because, there aren't any in your country? You have this fantasy. You're a bit of a samurai. You must be jealous of your wives. Slept with With blacks even draw me. Normally you are a people of honor. More than anyone else the Japanese know honor? I hope you will understand it one day In addition destiny of black men.