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今月のご支援もありがとうございます! 今回の更新はもう少しで20P超えそうなツナヒナ漫画です。 この後の展開は少し変わってくるみたいなので続きもお楽しみに! そういえば支払い形式の一つが最近無くなったせいか支援者の方が4月にめっちゃ減りました・・・でも落ち込んでいても仕方ないのでもっと頑張って支援者の方が増えるように頑張りたいと思います! 良かったらTwitterとかリツイートのご協力などよろしくお願いいたします。 では来週の更新もお楽しみに! Thank you for your support this month! This update is a Tsunahina manga that is almost over 20 pages long. The storyline is going to be a little different after this, so please look forward to the rest of the story! By the way, the number of supporters decreased a lot in April due to the recent loss of one of the payment methods... But it's no use being depressed, so I'll do my best to increase the number of supporters! Please help us by tweeting and retweeting us if you like. Please look forward to next week's update! Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



Eun Seong Lee

Would love to see this storyline. Keep it up 👍


One day you should do a Naruto vs Raikage doujin as the 2 compete in who can satisfy women better while explaining what the 2 have going for them in terms of sexual satisfaction lol


Hear me out…. Zetsu cave….. 😝


Great job, looking forward to more in this series.


Great work with best part possible having both tasting the back entrance pleasure again


Naruto will have a lot of kids at this rate. The Uzumaki Clan will rise again!

The Final Conduit

Oh no, sorry to hear about the loss of supporters. I really wish systems like this wouldn’t change so abruptly, especially when it affects people’s income 😭 Still, this is great work as always! I can’t imagine having to choose between Hinata and Tsunade in Naruto’s position. Talk about being lucky.


Naruto would win that easy. raikage is old and needs viagra




正直に言って、ナルトとの物語が見られるなんて本当に素晴らしいことだ。 稲田スナデ付き。


複数のエピソードを視聴できるかどうか知りたいです。 どのサブスクリプションを利用すればよいですか? エピソードを見るには?


私はフランス人です。 いつか私の言語でそれを見てみたいと思っています。 私たちは世界で 3 番目に話されている言語です。 ヨーロッパで最初の国です。 マンガが好きな人は誰ですか? でも誰も私たちのことなど考えていない Watashi wa furansuhitodesu. Itsuka watashi