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今年もご支援本当にありがとうございました!! 今回作った同人誌の印刷代などもFANBOXの支援金を使わせていただきました。 FANサイトを始める前くらいから今後の同人活動について悩んでいたのですが支援してくださった皆様のおかげで今は前に進むことが出来ています。 来年も色々とやりたい企画や漫画など色々と考えていますので是非来年も応援よろしくお願いします。 ナミサガ外伝も来年春くらいから始める予定です。カゲツマももう後半戦ですのでラストまで是非お付き合いよろしくお願いします。 ではまた来週! Thank you very much for your support this year! The money from FANBOX was used to pay for the printing of the fanzine we created this time. Before we started the fan site, we were wondering about the future of our doujinshi activities, but thanks to your support, we are now moving forward. We are planning various projects and manga that we would like to do next year, so please continue to support us next year. We are planning to start Namisaga Gaiden in the spring of next year. KAGETSUMA is already in its second half, so please stay with us until the end. See you next week!



The Final Conduit

(Fan Translation) Hinata: (slamming herself down on Raikage’s cock, her giant breasts bouncing) ‘So intense — his cock keeps hitting the best spots! My mind goes blank with every thrust! With how good it feels, my will won’t last long enough for this!!’ - Hinata: (moans loudly) ‘This is impossible! Naruto-kun wouldn’t last even a minute if I rode him like this!’ - ‘Wait, how many minutes have passed already?! No, it doesn’t matter, no matter how many times I CUM, I’m not going to lose! I’m going to win for my family! I’m going home!!’ — Raikage: Alright, as a reward for a job well done, here’s a fresh new load of my cum! Hinata: (cries out as Raikage finally starts cumming inside her) -Time: 11 minutes, 12 seconds- — (His seed fills her up, cock twitching) Raikage: Huh, that’s a shame. I almost lost there. (Gropes her breast while she pants heavily)

The Final Conduit

Ooh, looks like she lost this one. Too bad~ She was struggling so hard to get him to cum once, and it turns out Raikage let her keep going for over another minute past the moment she officially lost. Her thinking Naruto wouldn’t even last a minute in Raikage’s position just makes it worse. Now Raikage has an entirely new night to focus on her. I can only imagine what he has in store for her. Glad to hear that you’re getting ready for more projects again! Hopefully all goes well!


Too bad Hinata. Looks like you won't be going home anytime soon tonight.


Great work as always, hope to see the serious part where Ay take the artists entrance for finally break her, and keep her for his own.


That's too bad for Hinata as this means she can't go home tonight as Ay knows all sorts of positions to impregnate her and her weak spot in her pussy as Hinata finds herself unable to resist him anymore


Glad to hear that our support is helping you print and sell your comics! I hope the Raikage really teaches Hinata a lesson for being so defiant!




Happy birthday, Hinata!! Seems like the Raikage gave you a present worth remembering


Glad to know our support is going to good use, and excellent new additions to Kagetsuma. I can't wait to see things progress from here.


長くご支援いただき本当にありがとうございます 。来年も絵を描き続けたいと思っておりますので是非来年も見ていただけると嬉しいです😊


Thank you so much. We are using the support money here to make printing costs. Hopefully we can make another book next year.


What Hinata received as a gift on her birthday was the sperm of the Raikage!


You are the reason we can make new products! Stay tuned for more from KAGETSUMA!


I am wondering what will happen to Hinata in the future. Please keep an eye on it as we are very close to completion!

The Final Conduit

He did say he’d try to get her pregnant at least once a year, if Hinata were his woman. This is be the start of a new yearly tradition!


always happy to support an artist and author I've enjoyed for over a decade, I'll be honest I am getting a bit tired of all the NTR but I'm still glad my donation helps in whatever small way wishing you a good 2024 naruho


ツナのようなナルトの女の子をもう雷影や黒人とセックスさせないでください、私は代表されていないと感じているからです。 ナルトかちょっとした悪口が見たいです。 痩せた小柄な男性が似合う場所はどこですか? もっと刺激的だと思います。 マットまたはホワイトの色 Tsuna no yōna naruto no on'nanoko


稲田さんはもうやめてください。 愛し合うこと。 Raikaga それはデジャブだと思います。黒人と一緒にいると代表されていないように感じます。 私はナルトかマットまたは白の色の人の方が好きです。 もしかしたら、少し太った痩せた男を変えるかもしれない、少し痩せた男をうまくまとめるか、少し太った醜い男をうまくまとめるかもしれない。 絵が上手いのでもっと興奮するでしょう。 そうしてほしいのですが? 友達にお願いします


心が痛むよ、デ・リナータ。 欺瞞ナルト雷カガプラス、これは私が嫌いなキャラクターですか? お願いだからやめてください。 もっとお支払いいたします。 私は肌が白い人、それとも黒い人が好きですか? 小柄な老人か、醜い小太りの男、またはよくぶら下がった小柄で痩せた男。 変更してください