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いつもご支援ありがとうございます! 今週の更新は月読カルイになります。こういう肌の色のキャラ描くのって好きなんですよね(*'ω'*)可愛い! そしておかげさまでコミケ無事浮かれました! スペース番号は日-東ヤ28aになります。遠方で来れない方には申し訳ありませんが、作品はFANZAなどでダウンロード販売も予定されています。そちらで見ていただけると嬉しいです。 最新作のサクヒナ淫風伝のラフスケッチなどもFANBOXで公開予定ですのでお楽しみに! ではまた来週! Thank you for your continued support! This week's update will be for Kalui Tsukiyomi. I love drawing characters with skin color like this (*'omega'*), they are so cute! And thanks to your support, I was able to enjoy Comiket! We will be at Ya28a on the east side of the booth. Sorry for those of you who are too far away to come, but our works will be available for download on Fanza and other sites. We hope you will be able to see them there. Rough sketches of my latest work, "Sakuhina Nasty Wind Legend," will also be available on Fanbox, so please look forward to it! See you next week!



The Final Conduit

Rare Karui art! Looks so good! Awesome that you got into Comiket, hope it’s a great time for you! I can’t wait to see what SakuHina 2 looks like either, I’m excited 😋


Great work


Best of luck with Comiket😄


Very nice! Your line about Karui made me remember that you drew Tayuya in 淫忍道


褐色はなんとも言えない良さがありますね〜アリスギアのシタラは色々最強で見てほしいレベル 新作楽しみです! 発売日したらすぐDLします🙏


Excellent work and congrats on making it into Comiket




Thanks again for your support. I am working on line drawings now for Sakhina 2. It will be completed within the next month. I'm looking forward to Comiket.


I'm not sure if I'll have any customers at Comiket, but I'll do my best.