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今月のご支援も本当にありがとうございました! 今月分のカゲツマもなんとか更新することが出来ました。 ヒナタは雷影との勝負に勝って無事に家族の元へ帰れるのか!? 勝敗が楽しみですね(*'ω'*) 続きをお楽しみに! 来月はコミケの合否がわかるのでわかり次第本格的にサクヒナ2も作り始めたいと思います。 進捗はFANBOXで公開予定です!そちらもお楽しみに! ではまた来月もよかったらよろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you so much for your support this month! We have managed to update KAGETSUMA for this month. Will Hinata win her match against the Raikage and return safely to her family? I'm looking forward to seeing the winners and losers. Enjoy the rest of the story! Next month, I will find out if I passed or failed the Comiket, so as soon as I know, I will start working on SakuHina 2 in earnest. I will post the progress on FANBOX! Please look forward to it too! Thank you very much for your understanding.




Great work as usual and Good luck with comiket


Great work as always, she wont return to her family before the raikage used all her sex points(pussy boobs mouth and ass)


great work , ur art style is absolutely amazing. is there a way for me to read all of kagetsuma all together instead of page by page? same thing with sakuhina i’d love to read all together instead of going to each part but the work is still great.


Lovely art. Waiting for Naruto’s DP with tsunade : )

Eun Seong Lee

Love this and I hope Hinata loses and becomes a breeding girl


Amazing work as always; very much looking forward to seeing what happens, though I get the feeling Hinata's going to lose, which will still be a joy to read.


Kagetsuma its a great work. I hope SakuHina will be a fantastic work. I'm waiting the sketches.


What is the setting for Sakuhina 2? If you haven't made up anything, you should make it during the era of (The Last Movie) where the Raikage is moments from blowing up the moon, but Kakashi tells him who is up there, including Hinata and Sakura, tho which, the Raikage blackmails Kakashi to show their gratitude towards the Raikage once they come back from the moon for not blowing it up


For even thinking she could win, Hinata needs to be defeated hard!



The Final Conduit

(Fan Translation (may be inaccurate at points)) Raikage: (holding Hinata's body close) Did you seriously cum that fast? Hinata: Ugh... - Raikage: You JUST put it back inside. Are women from your village that bad at sex. that they can't even do a cowgirl right? Hinata: Don't look down on me! I'll show you what it's like when I REALLY get serious! - Hinata: 'He's in a good mood, so I shouldn't upset him... But it's so frustrating. His cock feels too good.' - Raikage: Hey, why don't we play a game, to make you more interested? Hinata: ... a game? Raikage: Yeah. If you can make me cum in 10 minutes, it'll be your win, and you can go home early, without having to worry about this again.

The Final Conduit

(Next Page) Hinata: ... ... Do I have your word? You won't go back on your promise? - Raikage: Of course you do. Who do you think I am? But then, if you lose, then that means I get to do with this with you another night. How does that sound to you? - Hinata: '... I know this isn't going to be easy. But if there's a chance I can return to my family...!' Okay... we'll compete for 10 minutes!

The Final Conduit

Seeing Hinata and Raikage's bodies positioned together like this is really hot, just the way they have to maneuver a bunch. You can do a lot with how you position and frame each of them with their size differences, along with everything else Hinata is trying to do.


I would not be surprised if the way he worded was intended that way so that when he comes back again he tells her he only said wouldn't ask for another night but didn't outright say he'd stop or wouldn't come by again the following week or month lol


I'm sorry. I can't accept this. But I still think you are an amazing artist.


I wanted to paint a picture of Hinata being on top of the Raikage, so this is how the story unfolded. Please look forward to the next picture!


Thanks for always translating. Our supporters are happy to have you. It's hard to translate manga, but it's great!


I think Hinata will do the best it can. But it's a trap set by the Raikage to get Hinata to cooperate with sex.


This story was actually created several years ago. It is set about six months after the last piece. Sakura and Hinata made a deal with the Daimyo who was in the previous work to use his own body to appease the anger of the Raikage who had his arm cut off. But your story is very good and true to the original! Thanks for the advice.


Hinata knows she doesn't stand a chance, but she can't seem to give up trying.


Thank you! In the past I had posted a summary of the first half of the Kagetsuma, but that was for a limited time only. Sorry about the timing. I may make another collection soon.


Hinata does not seem to realize that she is being well guided by the Raikage. Hinata, who was reluctant, has become more cooperative about sex.


これまた圧倒する勝負になりそうですね 冬コミ上手く行くよう願っております




I would like to see a Raikage vanilla comic. Preferably Tsunade but I'll take what I can get.