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いつもご支援ありがとうございます。 先週の無限月読の絵が好評でしたので続きをアップさせていただきました。まだ綱手のバージョンとかもありますのでお楽しみに! 先週の投票ご参加ありがとうございます。 一位と二位は僅差でいつ入れ替わってもおかしくない良い勝負です。 まだ未投票の方は是非投票してくださいね。 サクヒナ続編の「サクヒナ淫風伝(いっぷうでん)」の制作中です。 描きたい物が多すぎてネームは完成したのですが40Pを超えてしまったので色々内容をカットしている所です。 でも内容はかなり良い作品になりそうです!!皆様にお見せできる日が楽しみですよ。 次回の更新はカゲツマになります。 ではまた来週もお楽しみに! Thank you for your continued support. Last week's Infinity Moon Reading drawing was so well received that we have uploaded the rest of it. There are still a few more, including a version of Tsunade, so please enjoy! Thank you for your participation in last week's poll. The first and second places are very close and it is a good competition that could change anytime. If you haven't voted yet, please do so. I am currently working on a sequel to Saku Hina, "Saku Hina Ippu Den". There were too many things I wanted to draw, so I finished the name, but it exceeded 40 pages, so I'm cutting a lot of content. But I think it will be a very good work! I am looking forward to the day when I can show it to you all. The next update will be KAGETSUMA. See you next week!




Great work as always



Eun Seong Lee

Keep up a great work and cannot wait to see the sequel


A sequel worth looking forward to


How about a Samui and Hinata doujin?


Yes Tsunade soon! Hopefully Hinata too under infinite tsukoyomi!


So excited for the sequel.😁 Ps, do you have plans for a sequel to your Naruhina doujin, maybe included adult Hanabi.🤔


Looking forward to everything you have to show us. So since one piece gained a lot of attention with it's live action show on Netflix here's a question for ya which female character in one piece is your favorite? lol


Nice looking forward to seeing the sequel of SakuHina :)


無限月読…深良いですね〜 サクヒナの続編のボリュームすごい! 削ってるところも是非見たいです 今後も陰ながら応援してます🙏

The Final Conduit

My favorite time of the week is here! Good to see Ino again, she works so surprisingly well in your style. I'm shocked to hear that you went past the page limit, but I'm excited to see what you have, to get so passionate about a project. It's really great to see you feel so excited about your work! Until next time!


Excellent Ino drawing; really looking forward to the SakuHina sequel. Still whatever's cut you could always save for another sequel.


Thank you. I will certainly consider using the ideas I didn't use in other works.


Thank you. I am glad you are pleased with Ino's painting. I think Sakhina 2 will be very good. I myself am enjoying the production.




Nami is still my favorite female character in One Piece. Next, I also like Robin.


If SAKUHINA 2 sells a lot, we intend to produce a third one. Whether Hanabi will be released is still undecided.


Come to think of it, this is a combination I have painted in the past. They are two of my favorites.

