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いつもご支援ありがとうございます。 今週の更新はゼツに捕まったヒナタになります。恐らく監獄シリーズの一場面でしょうか。よくコメントくださる方が依頼してくださいました。絵の依頼本当にありがとうございました!ヒナタを描かせていただけると嬉しいです(*´ω`*) 来週はカゲツマの更新になる予定です!では来週もお楽しみに! Thank you for your continued support. This week's update will be Hinata captured by Zetsu. Perhaps a scene from the prison series. A frequent commenter requested this picture. Thank you very much for the commission! I would be happy if I could draw Hinata. Next week, I will be updating KAGETSUMA! See you next week!




Surprised she isn’t pregnant.


Honestly my biggest complaints about the prison series was that it didn't have a "bad ending", with Hinata and the girls becoming pregnant, mind broken sluts to the Setsu's and loving their fate.


I would love to see something similar for Samui!

Eun Seong Lee

It will be so much better if Hinata was pregnant or have Female Zetsu (which is Hinata’s daughter with her mother's face and body except white skin like Zetsu)


Great work Alternate end for hinata, Breeding subject for new type of zetsu


Well maybe the zetsus now call her mom since her Byakugan princess status should put her closer to kaguya lol as for Hinata her face says she's so broken she's started to delude herself into thinking these are all Naruto to escape the reality she's in but that's just my interpretation of how the image expresses itself lol


Aweeeeeeeeeeesome! 😍😍😍


Zetsus suck almost as badly as the raikage

The Final Conduit (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 01:29:19 Some links might come with a blank mega.nz page. If this happens, manually copy the link (right click >>> copy link address) and paste it in an empty tab. Should the blank page appear again, repaste the link and it will work. I have no idea what's causing this, but it might be related to how Patreon handles links. Hoping to solve this sometime soon!
2023-02-15 22:09:20 Yeah, sucking is usually Hinata’s job in these situations.

Yeah, sucking is usually Hinata’s job in these situations.

The Final Conduit

Great work, can’t wait for next week! Hopefully someone’s able to request something with Tsunade and Zetsu next.




Looks great, will you ever do one with housewife Hinata x Zetsu?


Excellent work! Any chance you might do a Boruto era one where some of the Zetsu remnants are inspired by their predecessors and go after milf Hinata and Sakura (and maybe other heroines like Ino, Ten Ten and Hanabi) in a last ditch attempt to regrow their population?




I know that there are many who would like to see a bad ending. I think the client of this painting probably would have done the same. I'd love to paint bad endings for other characters.


Maybe Hinata finally accepted Zetsu. Maybe thinking of him as Naruto is at least Hinata's resistance.


Thank you. I agree with you. I would love to draw Tsunade's bad endings.

Kyoto sushi

You're clearly my favorite artist ! Naruto content is my favorite and your drawing is just insane. So you're the only one I can ask this : Will you make a story with Tsunade and Naruto but only the two of them ? You did one a long time ago with young Naruto but now your content is way much better and I think it could be awesome.