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今年一年本当にありがとうございました! 今年最後の更新のカゲツマになります。 来年以降も連載を続けていけるようで良かったです。 前回カゲツマ自体が掲載禁止になる可能性があったので、 下書きを止めてしまって増ページ出来ませんでしたが、来年は余裕がある時は4P更新も目指したいと思っています。 来週はアンケートの2位「小南」になります! 2023年も頑張りますので!ぜひ引き続きご支援どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 では良いお年を! Thank you so much for your support this year! This will be the last update of this year's kagetsuma. I am glad to see that I will be able to continue the series next year and beyond. Last time, there was a possibility that KAGETSUMA itself would be banned from publication. I couldn't increase the number of pages because I had to stop the draft, but I would like to aim for a 4-page update next year when I can afford to do so. Next week I will be "Konan," the second place in the survey! We will do our best in 2023! Please continue to support us. Have a Happy New Year!




Yess!!! So happy to see their series can stay. Looking forward to the next pages


Hopefully we can have like flashbacks of Hinata (the last) having to "negotiate" with the Raikage. Or maybe Hanabi can somehow be added onto the story

The Final Conduit

Ooh, this update is amazing as well! Here’s to hoping you’ll be able to start the 4-page update process! Thanks for all your hard work!


Great work, hinata have a princess stance in the 2nd panel in left.

The Final Conduit

Fan Translation (may be inaccurate at points) Raikage: You only have two children, even with a body like yours? What is Naruto doing? If it were me, I’d get you pregnant at least once a year… what a waste of such a good body. - Hinata: (covers breasts, looking to Raikage’s dick) ‘After all this time, it’s still huge… how many times bigger is he from Naruto?’ - Raikage: How long are you going to hide your body with your hands? Isn’t that disrespectful to me?


i wonder if we'll get a brief flash back of their first time lol


It's always fun seeing MILF Hinata getting wrecked, I hope you can do Kawaki and Toneri in the future too!


1年間お疲れ様でした! 今年は、なるほどさんの作品に出会えて良かったです!後半からですが毎週楽しかったです! 来年も応援致します!よいお年を😊




Love the sexy poses Hinata’s in.


Excellent MILF Hinata work as always and if the 4 page update is possible I would like that since more MILF HInata artwork is always a good thing.