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今月のご支援も本当にありがとうございました! おかげさまでなんとかカゲツマも更新する事ができました。 次回で導入は終わりでどんどんエロエロな展開になってきますのでお楽しみに!! それにしても凄まじい巨乳ですね・・・ヒナタ。 アンケートは今日の夜までで締め切りです! まだ投票してない方は早めにどうぞ。28日以降はカウントされませんのでご注意ください。 ではまた来月もよろしければご支援どうぞよろしくお願いします! Thank you so much for your support this month! Thanks to your support, we managed to update KAGETSUMA. The next issue will be the end of the introduction and the story will be getting more and more erotic, so please look forward to it! By the way, Hinata has huge tits....... The survey will close this evening! If you haven't voted yet, please do so as soon as possible, but please note that it will not be counted after the 28th. See you next month, and if you like, please support us!




Great work


Looking good. I just wish you had a translator for English readers since I can only take guesses lol

Eun Seong Lee

When u release this please have English translation.


Fantastic stuff! I just wish this was released weekly, waiting a month for these is torture!



The Final Conduit

I’m glad Raikage is willing to pay Hinata’s erotic body the attention it deserves!


ほんと良い体してますよね 楽しみだなぁ〜


Yes, as Zain already said that would be fine. It'll least let us keep track of the conversation and for me help tell if this is just happening to Hinata or if this an affair that she's had happening without her family realizing it situation lol


This is looking good and I can't wait for the next releases for this series.

The Final Conduit

Okay! Just remember, this ain’t perfect, and I’m tweaking it to make it sound more natural in English: Raikage: I came to the Village from a meeting with the old Kages, and I wanted to thank Naruto for this prosthetic hand. Hinata: Sorry you came all this way! Raikage (I think): I’m moderating the work for my replacement. Hinata: Naruto’s still a work addict, unfortunately! It’s a lucky day if he manages to make it home at night. - Raikage: Then it can’t be helped. I may as well wait here, until Naruto comes back! Still, I think you misunderstood me, Hyuuga Princess. Your chest, it’s grown as huge as Tsunade’s! Is it because you gave birth to a child?