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いつもご支援ありがとうございます! おかげさまで「続・ツナデの淫水浴」無事に最後まで描き切る事が出来ました! 水着を描くのが好きなので描いていてとても楽しいシリーズとなりました。最後まで描く事が出来て本当に嬉しいです。 このカラー漫画のシリーズをはじめてから支援者様も増えてきたので、今後もこういうカラー漫画は続けていきたいと思っています。 とりあえず少し余裕を持たせるために連載用のストックを作りたいので、次回作開始には少しお時間下さい。 次回作もお楽しみに! FANBOXのアンケートは来週から開始したいと思います。 Thank you for all your support! Thanks to your help, I've been able to draw "Tsunade's Bathing in Nasty Water" to the end! I love drawing swimsuits, so this series has been a lot of fun for me to draw. I'm really happy that I was able to draw it to the end. Since I started this color manga series, the number of supporters has been increasing, so I'd like to continue doing color manga like this in the future. In the meantime, I'd like to make some stock for the series to give myself some room, so please give me some time to start the next one. Stay tuned for the next one! The FANBOX survey will be launched next week. SAKURA「Get off me! Are you insane in front of this public?」 NARUTO「What are you talking about? It's worse to wear such a string-like swimsuit in public.」 S「That's the bathing suit you bought me!」 N「Sakura, seed the womb!」 S「No.Don't ejaculate.」 S「Yes, sir. Now do what you want with it.」 S「It looks like I'm going to have to deal with Naruto until the end now. But since Naruto isn't real, she won't get pregnant.」 N「You are quick to understand. Thank you very much. I'm glad I had the real thing ready to go.」 S「Oh my God.」 Sakura Haruno is pregnant.



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