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I have two more art what I have to draw it ~ and also the finishing Screen ~ and also a animation screen =_=)" (私はそれを描く必要があるアートをあと 2 つ持っています ~ 仕上げ画面 ~ アニメーション画面もあり =_=)") Unfortunately, I can`t guaranty I gonna finish the beta and post it in this year ~ (残念ながら、今年中にベータ版を完成させて投稿できるとは保証できません 〜) its still need a lot work with the backgrounds and even more with the Story line~ (背景とストーリー ラインでさらに多くの作業が必要です ~) what I did make a "good" short story ~ but I have to write this in a Novel format~ (「良い」短編小説を作ったこと 〜しかし、これは小説形式で書かなければなりません〜) what is probably will be looks horrible with my English :P (I can`t found no one who like to help me and write the story Line - Sorry) (おそらく私の英語では恐ろしいものになるでしょう:P (私を助けてストーリーラインを書いてくれる人が見つかりません - ごめんなさい)) -Gonna try to post the Sagiri (AR) 4-pages ~ but that one also a lot work to make it sense and balance ~ (さぎり(AR)の4ページを投稿しようと思います〜しかし、それも意味とバランスをとるために多くの作業を行います〜) and also try to figure out something extra too fro the Pixiv FANBOX¬ また、Pixiv FANBOXにも何かおまけを投稿してみてください Please forgive me ~ this Visual Novel game is a lot of work for me :P 許してください〜 このビジュアルノベルゲームは私にとって大変な作業です:P



Are you looking for someone to support with language and story/storyline? Perhaps I may be able to help; I am Japanese, and I am relatively fluent in English as well. Your genre is very close to my liking, so I want to see your work completed. If you want my support, please contact me through PIVIV's message system.