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円卓のねことLordOfNekoの皆さまいつも応援ご支援ありがとうございます٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ 前回に引き続き報告が滞っていて申し訳ありません! (言い訳は取り敢えず腰痛と低気圧とだけ) 以前の「女子適正評価スーツ」で試みたショートエピソードの章立てで進める予定ですのでひとまとまりごとにお見せしていきたいと思いじっくり進めさせて頂いております。 とはいえあまりに期間が空き過ぎると皆さんに申し訳ないどころかまるねこ自身の焦燥感(更新しろ更新しろ…)も半端ないので、取り敢えず絵だけでも載せて生存&製作中アピールとさせてくださいませ。 サポーターズの皆さまにはエピソードがひと段落、まとまり次第シェア致します。 発表前の全体公開なのでセリフは概ね非公開としておりますが、乗っ取りものと思っていただきとうございます。まるねことしては珍しいゲス主人公で行きますよ…行けるかな?何だかんだでいつもワルになりきれない(悪人プレイ出来ないタイプ)けど頑張って胸糞プレイします! Thank you to everyone at Round Table Neko and LordOfNeko for your continued support ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Sorry for the delay in reporting like last time! (My only excuses are back pain and low atmospheric pressure) I'm planning to proceed with the short episode chapters that I tried in my previous work, ``Women's Appropriate Evaluation Suit,'' so I'm going to take my time and show you each piece. However, I feel sorry for everyone if it's been too long, and Maruneko herself is also feeling impatient (update, update...), so I'd like to post just a picture to show that I'm still alive and working on it. I will share the story with our supporters as soon as it is complete. Since the entire story was released before the announcement, most of the dialogue has not been made public, but please consider this to be a hijacking. I'm going to go as a guessing protagonist, which is rare for a round cat...can I go? For some reason I can't always be a bad guy (I'm the type of person who can't play a bad guy), but I'll do my best and play a bad guy!



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