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円卓のねことLord Of Nekoの皆さまいつも応援とご支援ありがとうございます。



ちょうどコロナと重なる2、3年前頃より創作スタイルの見直しを試みました。例えばいわゆる商業誌の仕事を減らしたりskeb等のコミッションで色々なイラストに挑戦する機会を作るなど …また実生活においても運動の時間を増やしたり流行りのソシャゲに触ってみたり、自分へのテコ入れをやってきました。問題はこういったテコ入れは大体仕事の時間を犠牲にしなくてはならないので、例えば出版社等の取引先に依存していては実行に移すのは難しいものでしたが(下請け業者状態)、まさに皆さんの助けによって乗り切れたと思います。

個人的に思うことはこれからはCreator to Fanの時代だと思っていまして、もちろんアニメや映画になるような作品は企業の力も必要ですがインディーズ界隈においても(ゲームがそうであるように)作り手とファンとでノイズに邪魔されること無く描きたい・読みたいものを生み出していければいいなと思っています。





New issue set (DL period: until 24:00 on January 2nd)

The DL period is about three days, so please download it as soon as possible.

(If you forgot to do so, please send me a message secretly.)

If you have any symptoms such as not being able to see or open, please let me know in the comments.

私は誰かの被りもの サポーターズエディション

Watashi ha dareka no kaburimono Supporters Edition


ラフ・ボツ集(Rough collection)



Event limited bonus "TS Summer Vacation-Part 2 Teaser" Supporters Edition



本年も応援いただきありがとうございました。来年もますますオモエロマンガを目指して精進してまいりますのでよろしくお願いいたしますm( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )m

Thank you to all the Round Table Cats and Lord Of Neko for your continued support.

Thanks to your efforts, I was able to release a new album within the year. Instead of reporting the results, we will present a new publication.

3 years ago..

Around 3 years ago, when it overlapped with Corona, I reviewed my creative style. For example, you can cut back on boring commercial magazine jobs, or challenge yourself to maniacal illustrations for commissions. …and in real life, I've been trying to improve myself by spending more time exercising and trying out trendy social games. The problem is that "challenges" usually have to come at the expense of work, for example, depending on the publisher, it was difficult to implement, but I think I was able to overcome it with your help.

From now on, I think it's the age of Creator to Fan. Of course, the power of companies is necessary for works that will be made into anime and movies, but even in the indie scene (just like games), I want to draw together with creators and fans. , and the ideal is to create something that people want to read. Don't be disturbed by noise.

Thank you very much for your support in the year. I will continue to draw more exciting and sexy manga next year, so please support me m( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )m



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