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円卓のねことLord Of Nekoとフォロワーの皆さまいつも応援とご支援ありがとうございます。

新刊の入稿処理は無事受付されましたのでひとまず安心です。漫画制作に専念していた裏で滞っていたもろもろも大分片付いてようやく心が忙しい状態も落ち着きつつあります。特に制作部屋に物が溢れかえり掃除が行き届かない状態だったのですがそれ以上に視界にゆとりが無いと集中力に支障をきたす事に気付きまして、すっきりした今後はこれまでより快適に創作出来るでしょう…( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )




Thank you to all the round table cats, Lord Of Neko and followers for your support.

I am relieved that the printing of the new issue has been accepted. While I was devoting myself to manga production, I had finished most of the cleaning and errands that had been delayed, and my heart had finally settled down. In particular, the room was not cleaned properly, but if there is no room in the field of vision, the efficiency will drop. I should be able to create more comfortably because it's clean ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )

Rough collection

The rough collection will be attached to the supporter's edition of the supporter benefits this time. I put together drafts and cuts.

After this, I'd like to take a break, make event-only bonuses, and resume commissions.



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