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円卓のねことLord Of Nekoの皆様いつも応援ご支援ありがとうございます。 今回はコミッションネタから…ミリマス桜守歌織の偽物がひどい目に遭うシリーズになります。前回もそうだったのですが謎生物の参考資料が特に無いため(๑❛ᴗ❛;)完全に好き勝手に描かせて頂いております。 実は今週隣の隣くらいの町に独り住む伯父が心臓で倒れてしまい、その対処で昨日まで殆ど動けませんでした。一命はとりとめたもののぶっちゃけ年齢的にどう気持ち良くお迎えを待つかみたいな状況なので、しばらくは私もサポートに駆り出される場面もあると思いますのでご理解頂けると幸いです。なるべく進行の遅れは最小限に留められるよう善処したいと思います! Thank you to all the round table cats and Lord Of Neko for your constant support and support. First from the commission. A series of counterfeits of Sakuramori Kaori (Mirimasu) who have a bad experience. As was the case last time, I don't have any reference materials for the mysterious creatures (๑❛ᴗ❛;), so I drew them based on my imagination. This week, my uncle, who lives alone, collapsed from heart failure, and it took me and my mother some time to deal with it. Although my uncle survived, he is very old, so there will be days when I will have to help him for a while so that he can live the rest of his life as comfortably as possible. Thank you for your understanding. I would like to do my best to keep delays in progress to a minimum!
